Personally I'm going after a 20 pointer off the cape assuming weather is favourable.
Personally I'm going after a 20 pointer off the cape assuming weather is favourable.
There a lot of ways of catching Mackerel other than dragging spoons behind your boat. Vertical jigging around the beacons and casting to working schools are my preferred techniques inside the Bay. I use 2-4 kg rods with 3000 sized reels for much of this sort of work and a 4-7kg rod with a 4000 sized spinner for the rest of it. Heavier gear is needed for the trolling and mono beats braid for this purpose
A Proud Member of
"The Rebel Alliance"
My goal is a Spanish, around the 12 kilo mark will dodepending on weather maybe a troll around the cape area first, if there's no action maybe try hutchies for a bit of a bottom session then troll the inside of the island on the way home for schoolies . As for rods, I'll be taking the 10-15kg rod with a penn 40LD spooled with 30lb braid, the 15-24kg with a 330gt2 spooled with 40lb braid and the 30-50lb rod and fin-nor 9500os spooled with 50lb braid, that should cover most bases. I hope
That's a nice fish you caught... Do you mind if I use it for bait.
Might have to throw in a lighter outfit as well hey Horse.(one thing that stuck from scouts was "be prepared" haha)
That's a nice fish you caught... Do you mind if I use it for bait.
A Proud Member of
"The Rebel Alliance"
We went out wide last night and condition was horrible. The glare of the glassed surface gave us 3rd degrees burns. Apart from that not much biting at all. And I did the dumb thing, instead of filling the fresh water tank, I stuck the hose and fill up my left fuel tank with quality H2O. So now I have to drain it and air it out to dry.
We did spin up a few yellow tail and brought a few snapper a reefies home for a feed.
Anyway I was up hervey last week and the macks up there are sporadics and not in large numbers. Didn't even see one spotties at all.
I think going wide will be weather dependant, I normally troll hard body and metal lures, but never use a paravane before so I have no idea on them and wouldn't mind finding out.
I guess you troll what ever you're comfortable with as long as you catch fish, that's the goal. I know some people have great success just floating pillies and some cast slug all day.
Let hope the weather play on the day.
Humility is not a weather condition.
Just letting you guys know that the macks and Tunas are going of their heads east of bribie atm, so I've been advise by a good mate who is a pro crabber.
I'm not sure what they are as I'm out of town trying to pin some KG whiting.
Humility is not a weather condition.
Cannot wait to get into 'em!
Divided and deposited my last paycheck at MO, Freddy's, BCF and Anaconda. Not looking forward to the wife finding out...
With Freddy's 5mins down the road, it is going to be dangerous. Went there twice on the weekend. Some do say lures were designed to catch fishermen, not fish. That said, I get addicted to terminal tackle...there is some really cool stuff.
Spent the weekend swapping lines around on reels, got the new Rarenium's spools spooled up and got all my gear organized into trays.
I also went digging through my grandfathers ancient tackle box and found a Halco Barra spoon, an unopened Halco slug of some description in original packaging - the price was 83 cents! An Elbe spin spoon, a couple of other spoons similar to the Barra spoon, but a USA brand that I can't remember the name of ATM. A Nil Fishing (Finish brand) balsa hard body in it's original packaging and a couple of rolls of single and multi-strand stainless steel leader wire.
So now I have all the gear, I just need to get out there and use it.
Ok boys and girls, they "spotties" are currently of Mooloolaba, so I've been advised. Give them 2 weeks and should be good for northern bay.
That was a lucky draw for date wise for this meet up.
Humility is not a weather condition.
Went and bought some lures at Jone's 20% off sale today so getting some kit together for the big day. Just finished making up a teaser, I think it will last about 5 mins.
Hi Crunchy,
making your own teasers hey? You've got my attention, tell us more.
cheers nic
That's a nice fish you caught... Do you mind if I use it for bait.
I am foaming at the mouth like a rabid rabies infected K9 in anticipation of the M&G!
OK, just to bump the thread and getting an idea as to what everyone who is coming wants to do or avoid.
This is just me think out loud, so if you think you have a good idea,please put it up and see what we can fit in.
The vital statistics are
High tide is 2.24 @ 12.19
So I'm guessing early start at say 7.00 AM for a meet and greet at Toorbul Boat ramp "The esplanade Toorbul". It's a double ramp with plenty of safe parking.
If anyone wants to meet prior to this, around 6.00 (sharp) my place for a tackle and where about brush up, just send me a pm and I will send address.
Everyone then can launch and set of to their mackerel "hotspot" Iwill be concentrating on the northern bay and shipping channel to Caloundra
After that we will all meet back at my place between 14.30-15.00hr for show and tell and bbq.
my place is about 500m from the ramp and I will be back early to get things organise.
However if the wind don't play, and we will call this the Sat morning. The BBQ will still go ahead for yarn and tall stories.
Humility is not a weather condition.