hey all
I had the pleasure of teaming up for a fish with Gold Coast legend youngy this monday just gone. We had a pretty big day planned and it didnt disappoint. I met Wayne at the ramp down at the broadwater at 7am and we headed off to fish some rubbly bottom with some small vibes and plastics.
Conditions were ideal early with the slow currents and no breeze which helped our lures to do their job. Over the next couple hours we hooked and landed a nice variety of fish including big eye trevs, tailor, flathead, snapper and even a butter bream. The snapper was taken on a zman grub, while the others were all on small blades. The tarpon were present also but werent interested in our lures. If it werent for all the dolphins hanging around we wouldve done better.
All fish released. I doubt too many Broadwater snapper get sent back.
The wind had picked up pretty quickly by 9am and not long after it was time to dig some worms for the evening whiting fish. I generally dig rock wrigglers , this was the first time i attempted to dig the muddy ones, and it was an experience i wont be forgetting any time soon. We get enough worms for a whiting session then we are on our way back to the ramp.
A couple hours rest then we make our way down to the Nerang River where the waiting game starts, as the whiting and trevally become most active after dark.
Things are very quiet for the next few hours while we wait for the sun to go down, with just a few small bream coming on board. Eventually the sun starts to set and the baitfish start to panic as the trevs start to get hungry.
Wayne sees a small bust up happening so we quietly motor over and anchor up. First cast on the stickbait and im on. The fight lasts a couple minutes then the hooks pull before we see the fish.
Not long after we have a double hookup, where my fish hit the lure 3 times before he finally hooked up. A few minutes later we have 2 big eye trevally in the boat , both around the 50-55cm mark, another species i can cross off the list.
Not too sure how many we actually landed but it was a great little 1 hour session , then they were gone, so it was time to chase some whiting.
The whiting were very scattered and not in any real numbers but we still managed a nice bunch of fish between 27 - 40cm. The whiting were tonights dinner , all other fish on the day released.
Was starting to get late and i had to make the long drive back to Redcliffe so Wayne dropped me back at the ramp then he went back out and caught more fish. unreal!
Big thanks again to Wayne for the day. His knowledge and willingness to share secrets and tricks to find and catch fish is priceless. Cheers mate already cant wait to get out and do it again.