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Looks like we all have to retire from fishing..... - Page 3
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Thread: Looks like we all have to retire from fishing.....

  1. #31

    Re: Looks like we all have to retire from fishing.....

    Well I'm hungry so I'm going fishing......

  2. #32
    Ausfish Silver Member
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    Feb 2008

    Re: Looks like we all have to retire from fishing.....

    My daughter just ate some fish from japan,d.aGc

    (Not actually my link, thanks to visual burrito)

  3. #33
    Ausfish Platinum Member bannana's Avatar
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    Re: Looks like we all have to retire from fishing.....

    I think old mate has had a few too many head knocks.

    If you really are worried well you probably shouldn't get x-rays, use a mobile ph or warm your milk up in the microwave before bed.

    Night night

  4. #34
    Ausfish Silver Member
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    Re: Looks like we all have to retire from fishing.....

    I 'm a believer to some extent in regards to this thread. 450 tonnes of Contaminated Water is Flowing into the Pacific Ocean every Day. The main concern being Blue Fin Tuna who Migrant from Japan to the California Cost. I'm no expert but one would have to think, will it effect the Fish down in these parts of the WORLD ONE DAY. This was a Catastrophic Event worse than the 2 Nuc Bombs dropped back in 1945. Human Beings have this IGNORANT MENTALITY THINKING, THAT IT HAPPENED SOMEWHERE ELSE SO FAR AWAY IT WON'T EFFECT US ...MMM BUT WILL IT.... MAYBE ONE DAY.

  5. #35

    Re: Looks like we all have to retire from fishing.....

    Quote Originally Posted by JCVDBloodSport View Post
    Fukishima will eventually but pretty soon stop us all from fishing or at least eating the fish or touching it.....
    Do a little bit of reading before you all blow up at me....

    Im never feeding fish from the ocean to my kids again.....
    I respect your decision and would also like to pass on my thanks for leaving more fish for me, god knows i need all the advantages i can get.

    c'mon, take the bait....

  6. #36

    Re: Looks like we all have to retire from fishing.....

    Quote Originally Posted by Crunchy View Post
    Hopefully fish deform and develop suicidal tendencies and grow an extra fillet.
    Reckon they are already pretty well developed. You cant bring me down!

  7. #37

    Re: Looks like we all have to retire from fishing.....

    Quote Originally Posted by manta man View Post
    I 'm a believer to some extent in regards to this thread. 450 tonnes of Contaminated Water is Flowing into the Pacific Ocean every Day. The main concern being Blue Fin Tuna who Migrant from Japan to the California Cost. I'm no expert but one would have to think, will it effect the Fish down in these parts of the WORLD ONE DAY. This was a Catastrophic Event worse than the 2 Nuc Bombs dropped back in 1945. Human Beings have this IGNORANT MENTALITY THINKING, THAT IT HAPPENED SOMEWHERE ELSE SO FAR AWAY IT WON'T EFFECT US ...MMM BUT WILL IT.... MAYBE ONE DAY.
    Not to mention the salmon heading back home to the Canadain and Alaskan breeding grounds.

  8. #38
    Ausfish Platinum Member gruntahunta's Avatar
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    Re: Looks like we all have to retire from fishing..... warming....tell that to the seal that was sunning it self on the rocks at Redcliffe,s Scarborough Harbour a couple of years if was getting hotter, do you think he would have travelled north...I think

    Gotta Love Maroochydore.

  9. #39

    Re: Looks like we all have to retire from fishing.....

    Quote Originally Posted by cqfreshie View Post
    Not to mention the salmon heading back home to the Canadain and Alaskan breeding grounds.

    I like how this fukishima spill is the single greatest man made disaster in human history and people link it to global warming??????

    I undeerstand that maybe the cancer post was a little heavy to digest (pun intended) but to link fukishima to global warming is completely irrelevant...... You guys can pass it off or bury your heads in the sand all you want. You cant say you where not warned. Im completely and utterly disappointed that i will have to stop ingesting seafood but its the smartest thing to do given the situation. And yes it will eventually end up in every thing i know but hopefully in lower levels. Maybe if people keep eating seafood it might filter it out a bit??

  10. #40
    Ausfish Platinum Member bannana's Avatar
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    Re: Looks like we all have to retire from fishing.....

    Quote Originally Posted by JCVDBloodSport View Post
    I like how this fukishima spill is the single greatest man made disaster in human history and people link it to global warming??????

    I undeerstand that maybe the cancer post was a little heavy to digest (pun intended) but to link fukishima to global warming is completely irrelevant...... You guys can pass it off or bury your heads in the sand all you want. You cant say you where not warned. Im completely and utterly disappointed that i will have to stop ingesting seafood but its the smartest thing to do given the situation. And yes it will eventually end up in every thing i know but hopefully in lower levels. Maybe if people keep eating seafood it might filter it out a bit??

    Confirm what you are going to eat and drink if you agree the earth's salt water is going to be contaminated????

    No seafood.

    No fresh water because once the sea water is evaporated from the ocean and then dumped (precipitation) back down to the land it would leave all our fresh water contaminated.

    No chicken because there's too many steroids used and they drink contaminated water.

    No fruit, veggies, wheat, because there's too many chemicals and once again spoilt by contaminated water.

    No red meat because the cattle eat and drink contaminated grain and water.

  11. #41
    Ausfish Silver Member ric's Avatar
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    Re: Looks like we all have to retire from fishing.....

    Quote Originally Posted by JCVDBloodSport View Post

    I undeerstand that maybe the cancer post was a little heavy to digest (pun intended)
    I don't see where you come up with a joke relating to cancer? If you seem to find jokes about cancer funny, then that's pretty sick...

  12. #42

    Re: Looks like we all have to retire from fishing.....

    Quote Originally Posted by bannana View Post
    No fresh water because once the sea water is evaporated from the ocean and then dumped (precipitation) back down to the land it would leave all our fresh water contaminated.[/SIZE][/FONT]
    you sure about that? did you do science at school.

  13. #43

    Re: Looks like we all have to retire from fishing.....

    Cancer makes you sick

  14. #44

    Re: Looks like we all have to retire from fishing.....

    Thats the gist of what im trying to say in a very cracked nut shell..........

    So you kind of get it. once its in the food chain some where or any where in large doses ie fukishima ie the ocean ie fish we eat.

    The amount of radioactive poison entering the ocean every day from fukishima is un imaginable. Its on a scale never before seen or measured. Forget about bombs or chernobyl this is 1000 times worse.....

    Im not trying to scare any one and i dont care who you are what you do or what you think of me. Im just getting the information out there then you can make an informed choice what you will do.......

  15. #45

    Thumbs up Re: Looks like we all have to retire from fishing.....

    Caught some Briz-Vegas Banana Fishcakes this arvo.......bloody beauddddiful


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