Went and tried out the new anchor system last night and the braided line snapped on the second retrieval. The anchor was snagged on the bottom in 32mtr of water and we tried to drive it off with the ball system as usual. The braided anchor line didn't even put up much of a fight and snapped at the bow roller.
Now in the past 20+ years of fishing I've never had a normal anchor line snap like this. I may have run over one or cut one loose in the past. But this was ridiculous. It snapped so easily.
This was no cheap braided anchor line. $300 for 140mtr of 6mm braided line spliced to 10 mtr of normal anchor line plus chain and ss swivel. Also the loss of a $200 plough anchor.
So if this is the case that the braided lines can't pull stuck anchors from the bottom now means I've got a new Sav Winch 1500 EFF which will now be useless as I usually fish in 70 mtr of water. It would not have the line capacity if I refit with nylon anchor line.
Was I just unlucky.
Do I risk another $500+ and try again.
Or have I wasted nearly $4000
Anyone got any ideas?