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for some reason plate manufacturers seem to insist on making moderate vee boats. The make these massive high sided wide super bouyant boats so I guess they can't have too deep a vee. Homestly almost all with the exception of fisher and noble in the 6.5m range and below and especially in the 4.5 - 5.8m range have poxy 12 or 16 degree v's at the transom. sure they might be wide and high sided but at the end of the day it's all about V and a lot of the good riding glass boats have much deeper v's, even in the smaller sizes. There are ways around it of course. Just design it so it's a bit narrower or put in a flooded keel, more tankage or even ballast tanks. I dont think there is any reason why you couldn't make it ride awesom, just a design mentality for these big huge volumous boats with small deadrise. Looks good in the showroom