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Ride Quality- TRUE plate boat vs fibreglass - Page 2
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Thread: Ride Quality- TRUE plate boat vs fibreglass

  1. #16

    Re: Ride Quality- TRUE plate boat vs fibreglass

    Cheers Outwide and spelcheck, Moda and Performance plate are definaeatelyon my list to have a look at. Ive actually had (i think its Shane) from moda marine do a repair on my current tub, good fella. He does build an awesome looking boat!

    Outwide- Very sound advice/experience there mate, pretty much the way i see it as well.

  2. #17

    Re: Ride Quality- TRUE plate boat vs fibreglass

    I know there not a Custom built platey as such, but can anyone pass judgement on the surtees boats from NZ? Particularly In the 6.7 Gamefisher hardtop?

  3. #18

    Re: Ride Quality- TRUE plate boat vs fibreglass

    Quote Originally Posted by zan0_15 View Post
    Nar the whole poly boat thing has never really sat right with me!
    they are too light.

  4. #19

    Re: Ride Quality- TRUE plate boat vs fibreglass

    Quote Originally Posted by zan0_15 View Post
    I know there not a Custom built platey as such, but can anyone pass judgement on the surtees boats from NZ? Particularly In the 6.7 Gamefisher hardtop?
    If your gunna head down that path then these are worth a look. Saw them at the Brisbane boat show and was pretty impressed. Seemed a lot larger than the Surtees and Bar Crusher for the same size boat!

  5. #20

    Re: Ride Quality- TRUE plate boat vs fibreglass

    Quote Originally Posted by thelump View Post
    If your gunna head down that path then these are worth a look. Saw them at the Brisbane boat show and was pretty impressed. Seemed a lot larger than the Surtees and Bar Crusher for the same size boat!
    That's my next one uncle........950 game king is the prize to work towards in the next couple of years.

  6. #21

    Re: Ride Quality- TRUE plate boat vs fibreglass

    Quote Originally Posted by zan0_15 View Post
    I know there not a Custom built platey as such, but can anyone pass judgement on the surtees boats from NZ? Particularly In the 6.7 Gamefisher hardtop?
    Looked at these as well, to me they are just a Quintrex style of build in comparison to the custom plate builds.
    If only you knew how much time and work i have done in researching this
    I have looked at every possible make and model out there prior to handing over my hard earned cash.
    The only thing i didn't like with Moda was they look ugly and Origin's cabins take up a lot of fishing deck.
    I have heard through the grape vine that out of the 2 builders mentioned one has had troubles with there roofs being too top heavy and wanting to roll and do silly things in bars.
    Now before you all go and winge and cry i am entitled to my opinions so don't take it personally.
    Leave your feelings in your wives hand bags.
    Cheers Mick.

  7. #22

    Re: Ride Quality- TRUE plate boat vs fibreglass

    Quote Originally Posted by zan0_15 View Post
    Nar the whole poly boat thing has never really sat right with me!
    Love my poly but to answer the question I'd go a plate alloy, should be enough guys around willing to take you out for a run. A mate had a 6.2 noble before they went to shit and when they were a good product, absolutely lovely boat in the sloppy stuff.

  8. #23

    Re: Ride Quality- TRUE plate boat vs fibreglass

    My boat is smaller than you required but after 11 years with a Fisher 4.8 metre I will go where all the Galeforces and Haines Travellers go. I originally bought it after a neck injury. I can't handle rough rides anymore. Problem solved. Everyone than has been in my boat is amazed. A good deep vee plately with proper chines not just angle welded on would be fine. A good glass boat will do the job but a plate boat is my choice.

    Watch the boats from NZ as that tend to have small fuel tanks.

  9. #24
    Ausfish Silver Member ric's Avatar
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    Jan 2007

    Re: Ride Quality- TRUE plate boat vs fibreglass

    Quote Originally Posted by zan0_15 View Post
    so as the title suggests im looking for opinions, i will be upgrading boats next year and have to answer that age old question. I pretty much have it answered in my own head as i want a alluminium boat as i love drifting the shallows of the reef (2-5 metres) when im out there, but in doing this i quite often drift over the occasional bommie that comes right up and gives the boat a love tap
    This style of fishing would be out of the question for a fibreglass boat, no way would i do it!
    but......because i have to cross so much water up here (120km) out to the reef i need something that rides well.

    So im looking for anyone who has had an experience in a true plate boat eg Australian master marine, Riptide plate alloys, origin boats, fisher plate boats, Rebel Plate boats.
    I want to know what you thought of their ride as i have never been in one, obviously i will test ride before i buy whatever i decide on but im just doing a bit of research.
    Some say a well built plate boat with good deadrise will ride just as well as a glass boat, will it???
    Seems like you have already made up your decision to go plate. All of the builders mentioned will cover your needs. Pick the builder which spends the time to talk you through your build BEFORE you have handed over cash.
    Remember to compare apples to apples. I'm sick of builders not stating the length of the hull. The loa is meaningless. A 6m boat easily gets called a 6.5m with a donkey d1ck of a bow sprit.

  10. #25

    Re: Ride Quality- TRUE plate boat vs fibreglass

    My 8.6 m Moda rides like a dream and compares favourably to a Haines 773 or Formula......water conditions have not changed ever but people wanting to re-invent the wheel keep modifying boat shapes, so now every one goes to sea in a shoe box " cause it gives more fishing room ". When you are 40 mile to sea and are heading home because it has blown up, you will want for something with good waterline length and a hull that offers least resistance to the sea. I beleive that the key factors are weight ( not too light ), fine entry, good weight balance, and good horsepower, variable deadrise but not too much vee in the stern (chines must be in the water at all times at the rear ) Something around 6.5 m should weigh in at about 2 tonne, any lighter and it would be all over the place.
    Outwide1...I don't understand how you would consider a Moda to be ugly? they have the best attention to detail that I have ever seen. Mine is a bit different to the normal, but when I'm hitting 55 knots its something to behold....oh and its hard top (standard to all their boats ) is pressed and only weighs less than 20 kg. I helped them put it on during the build. I suggest that your grape vine is made of chinese whispers.

    Ask yourself why fiberglass and alloy boats look so different. During the 70's and 80's the hulls were perfected and if it aint broke - don't fix it, fibreglass moulds have not needed to alter that much other than cosmetic appearances for marketing. I have been a contractor to most boat manufacturers in South Queensland for the last 30 years and when you have a passion for boat design you tend to find out a few home truths .

    I would still place the Haines Hunter 580 SF and 680 SF as the best allround glass boats that I have been in and I'm sure that Cruise Craft are still in business for a reason. Plate boats are not bullet proof either and can split when hit hard on rock or reef.....just make sure that they are built to current standards with foam flotation.

  11. #26

    Re: Ride Quality- TRUE plate boat vs fibreglass

    Moda... ...have the best attention to detail that I have ever seen.
    Yes - they are very very nicely finished indeed. Had a guy at the boat ramp admiring my mates Moda and wouldn't believe it wasn't a glass boat - until he tapped the hull.

  12. #27
    Ausfish Silver Member ric's Avatar
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    Jan 2007

    Re: Ride Quality- TRUE plate boat vs fibreglass

    Quote Originally Posted by Robbery View Post
    My 8.6 m Moda rides like a dream .
    put up a pic thief.

  13. #28

    Re: Ride Quality- TRUE plate boat vs fibreglass

    My Moda 8.6m at speed eastern Moreton BayAttachment 97125

  14. #29

    Re: Ride Quality- TRUE plate boat vs fibreglass

    Sorry but I just had a look at the Moda god man!!!!!

    They could be the best riding, most seaworth boat on the planet but there is absolutely no way that would compensate for the look of them......

  15. #30

    Re: Ride Quality- TRUE plate boat vs fibreglass

    Muddy Toes , I believed that this thread was about ride comparisons and I was only giving my two bobs worth. My Moda was custom built for me and one of the first boats they did. I think that it is the perfect boat and reflects exactly what I wanted in my boat. I find it refined and attractive with great function and performance. Things like the reverse sheer etc are my doing and come from my old race boat ways. To imply that they are ugly is like saying all toyotas are ugly.....a strange comment when dealing with Custom Boats built to customer requirements. Fibreglass is still the better ride but at least Moda sold me on being genuinely keen to improve Plate Boat Performance.

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