so as the title suggests im looking for opinions, i will be upgrading boats next year and have to answer that age old question. I pretty much have it answered in my own head as i want a alluminium boat as i love drifting the shallows of the reef (2-5 metres) when im out there, but in doing this i quite often drift over the occasional bommie that comes right up and gives the boat a love tap

This style of fishing would be out of the question for a fibreglass boat, no way would i do it!
but......because i have to cross so much water up here (120km) out to the reef i need something that rides well.
So im looking for anyone who has had an experience in a true plate boat eg Australian master marine, Riptide plate alloys, origin boats, fisher plate boats, Rebel Plate boats.
I want to know what you thought of their ride as i have never been in one, obviously i will test ride before i buy whatever i decide on but im just doing a bit of research.
Some say a well built plate boat with good deadrise will ride just as well as a glass boat, will it???