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Thread: Ride Quality- TRUE plate boat vs fibreglass

  1. #76

    Re: Ride Quality- TRUE plate boat vs fibreglass

    zanO_15 You live in Mackay why would you go past BBB Marine. Darren is recognized as one of the top 10 builders in QLD by Peter Webster the author of Plate Alloy Boats of Aust and The BOATMAG Peter has been in the industry for over 40 years and has had many boats built for him in this time.

  2. #77

    Re: Ride Quality- TRUE plate boat vs fibreglass

    cant forget poly hulls in all of this, super smooth and silly stable

  3. #78

    Re: Ride Quality- TRUE plate boat vs fibreglass

    Quote Originally Posted by chocolatemoose View Post
    cant forget poly hulls in all of this, super smooth and silly stable
    I'll agree with the silly stable but the ride quality leaves a fair bit to be desired compared to a glass boat. I've never been in a plate to make a comparison.


  4. #79

    Re: Ride Quality- TRUE plate boat vs fibreglass

    Just an update, keep your eyes on the forum for the build thread, coming soon............

  5. #80

    Re: Ride Quality- TRUE plate boat vs fibreglass

    Who ya building with?

    Sent from my lawnmower

  6. #81

    Re: Ride Quality- TRUE plate boat vs fibreglass

    [QUOTE=mull dog;1597894]Who ya building with?

    Sssss ... its a secret hehe
    It’s the fish’s fault ….. because they swim in the ocean …..

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