Keep your emotions in check love, it wasn't an attack on your manhood.
Just one man's opinion........
Keep your emotions in check love, it wasn't an attack on your manhood.
Just one man's opinion........
i like the look of this what's not to like? guess its a preference thing.
Here is another 1 to add to the mix, Pelagic Boats in Victoria. Love there new Elite range
554559_433779873359969_791785505_n.jpg 486092_433779883359968_2077586871_n.jpg
nothing wrong with the look of that boat at all, beautifull looking boat in my opinion. The moda boats turn heads for all the right reasons!
Not the ugliest boat that is for sure. Wouldn't mind one if I had the coin
Sorry Muddy, Moda is smokin.
fruit salad is the new Bacon
Kind of think that Pelagic boat looks crap myself, maybe just the curved paint job, but looks pretty sad to me.
I don't mind the look of the moda at all, nice lines. Looks to be well finished. I reckon your on the money with the 680 patriot, fished on them many times, does most things pretty well for mine. My current boat is a HH 650R and I am very happy with it, ton of cockpit and not too many frills. I have myself been toying with the idea of a patriot. One of the nicest boats HH have made and a great fishing machine, not too big not too small. Actually there are a lot of nice platies about. Price wise for the good ones you probably get a lot more boat for the moola compared to glass. I do love those hardtops. With a nice deep vee and a bit of weight ,ride in a platey should be sweet.
Hey is this your brother?
fruit salad is the new Bacon
When you go custom you need to have faith in the builder. I have seen personally a build go bad. Never and I mean never be the first of a new model.
Draw lots of pictures and see if the builder connects to you and your needs so just don't. I went to one bloke who obviously wanted to build big boats and had a few crappy pictures and was too busy for me. One very well know builder took 6 weeks to reply to my initial inquiry.
During the build keep a diary of issues / concerns and address them and focus on them until done.
In this day and age if they don't use a pulse mig welder I'd keep looking. Ask about paint warranty if applicable. My paint job is crap the only disappointment and if cost about $1700 at the time. Leave a decent final payment and realistic time frame for build.
Finally everything must work.
My father had a 4.5 AMM. I was not impressed. It was delivered with those auto trim tabs like a shock absorber. On the water it kept the bow down but the displaced water around them ran level with the base of the motor cowling. The kill tank flooded over the floor when getting on the plane.
He got rid of the trim tabs and put a foil on it. The thing porpoised badly unless trim right in.
It can be worse than building a house or a dream run.
Don't plan a trip around the completion date. It will be late you will be stressing getting everything ready.
This would ride ok
fruit salad is the new Bacon
for some reason plate manufacturers seem to insist on making moderate vee boats. The make these massive high sided wide super bouyant boats so I guess they can't have too deep a vee. Homestly almost all with the exception of fisher and noble in the 6.5m range and below and especially in the 4.5 - 5.8m range have poxy 12 or 16 degree v's at the transom. sure they might be wide and high sided but at the end of the day it's all about V and a lot of the good riding glass boats have much deeper v's, even in the smaller sizes. There are ways around it of course. Just design it so it's a bit narrower or put in a flooded keel, more tankage or even ballast tanks. I dont think there is any reason why you couldn't make it ride awesom, just a design mentality for these big huge volumous boats with small deadrise. Looks good in the showroom