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Thread: Trevally Weight ?

  1. #16

    Re: Trevally Weight ?

    What were you doing putting a live hussar out on 20lb braid!!! Haha😀

    Well done landing it on that gear!

  2. #17

    Re: Trevally Weight ?

    i rekon about 32kg

  3. #18

    Re: Trevally Weight ?


    Thats a great Gt on 20lb line. Well done and quite an achievement to stop it on that gear. We have caught over 100 Gts over the last 4 years and I would say 25kg tops. I have attached one caught on the last trip that was weighed (on Scales) at 22.5kg. I think in the past we have over estimated the weights of a few and the only thing can put it down to is the awkwardness of the lift. I am sure a 40kg bag of cement weighs less at times.

    Cheers Goona
    Attached Images Attached Images

  4. #19

    Re: Trevally Weight ?

    Or maybe it because your arms are jelly by the time the fish is in the boat.

    Instead of guessing weights, why don't we all talk about length as that's easy to do on fish we want to release, yes I know some fish are fat but who cares.
    We have done it with Barra. Do we really worry what a metrey weighs.
    As for GT's there is a huge difference in bulk between a 1.1 m fish and a 1.3. The typical size around Cape Cap is 1.1 from my popping trips. 1.3 is a longer tape measure
    Amazing capture on light gear

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