Didn't realize Snoop Dogg was in to fishing........................
Maybe hes sippin on gin and juice?
Livies aren't just limited to fish ......
don't rule out crustations and Cephlapods
just saying ...
S***fish & chippy
Does anyone know what species poddy mullet belong to? I thought it was just a name for small mullet.
From the government website:
Diamondscale mullet 30cm min 20 allowed
Sea mullet 30cm min 20 allowed
I'm told there are about 20 species of mullet in Australia.
A quick look at Vic and NSW sites shows completely different regulations. Qld started regulating these two species in 2009. No others are regulated.
It seems difficult to tell them apart when they are at the poddy mullet stage.
Oh, well. Looks like I've opened a can of worms (or mullet).
The term 'poddy mullet' is confusing. It is used in different ways in different postings, including the various government ones (I've just spent an hours going through them). Some think that 'poddy mullet' refers to juvenile mullet of all species, some only referring to sea mullet,etc. There doesn't seem to be a universal definition.
Now after seeing a diamond scale in the site above ive never caught or seen one ever.
We get diamond scale up here at hervey bay.
Sea mullet have a gelatinous coating over their eyes. Basically, any other small mullet without this or diamondy scales is fine for bait
Undersized fish must be returned unharmed promptly. So you cant keep undersized fish in your LBT.[/QUOTE]
So does throwing it back with a circle hook attached classed as unharmed......
[QUOTE=PeterKroll;1509198]Does anyone know what species poddy mullet belong to? I thought it was just a name for small mullet.[/QUOTE
There is no universal term for it. Poddy mullet to me is a fan tail mullet around this hood. Poddy mullet to a southerner might mean yellow-eye mullet