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Thread: best of both worlds snapper

  1. #1

    best of both worlds snapper

    Mate of mine told me about this marvel and i had to try it.. wow was it the best thing ever..

    Fillet and skin and bone some snapper..
    get a few packets of pork crackle (comes in a packet like chips)
    crush the pork crackle finely add to a crumbing bowl mix 50/50 with panko bread crumbs and crumb as usual
    heat a pan and melt some duck fat (yep you can get this at woollies)
    fry away....
    Dont expect to use this dish in accordance with a weight loss program

  2. #2

    Re: best of both worlds snapper

    Do you serve it with a mound of bacon on the side
    A Proud Member of
    "The Rebel Alliance"

  3. #3

    Re: best of both worlds snapper

    why waste some good snapper. carp would probbaly taste the same after all that

  4. #4

    Re: best of both worlds snapper

    Why steam whole snapper with chilli, ginger and shallots?.. why put bacon and wortershire sauce on oysters?
    why not just have steamed vegetables and boiled silverside for dinner every night.. Its something different mate.. thats what a recipie is.. a different way to cook something to make it a bit more interesting

  5. #5

    Re: best of both worlds snapper

    Some people just 'don't get it'

  6. #6

    Re: best of both worlds snapper

    Well, I have steamed vegetables and boiled silverside every night and it hasn't hurt me. It was good enough for my father. It certainly mad a man of my mother (or that could have been the army).

  7. #7

    Re: best of both worlds snapper

    It would make anyone mad. Or made.

  8. #8

    Re: best of both worlds snapper

    Duck fat? I might make sure the shop assistant hears me properly when I ask what Isle I can find it. Thanks for the tip though. Might give it a try.


  9. #9

    Re: best of both worlds snapper

    Quote Originally Posted by Scalem View Post
    Duck fat? I might make sure the shop assistant hears me properly when I ask what Isle I can find it. Thanks for the tip though. Might give it a try.

    Bahahaha.... yeah say it clearly mate..

    Its pretty common now and is the best stuff to cook your roast potatoes in also

  10. #10

    Re: best of both worlds snapper

    Goose fat is better...but impossible to get here.

  11. #11

    Re: best of both worlds snapper

    They must be very fast ,to catch the male duck at that precice moment to harvest a duck fat !

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