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Thread: Two species of Long Nose Emperor?

  1. #1

    Two species of Long Nose Emperor?

    Recently I've caught Long nose in deeper water with really red heads and lips. They were as tough as old boots to eat. They came from 65 metres deep.
    In the past I have always found long nose to be really good eating, but they were the ones that were pretty much grey/silver all over including the head, and even tasted great with soft flesh when quite large .

    Does anyone else have any experience of this?
    "let not he boast who puts his armor on, as he who takes it off"

  2. #2

    Re: Two species of Long Nose Emperor?

    Yeah Odes. I've had the same. Anything of spangle or long nose I choose carefully now. Not a lot of chop in my opinion. But if I've got nothing else in the box they will do.


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