Hi Guys,
Well I am just back from my first trip down the Brissy River for this season with the Connect boys (see: http://www.su-connect.org.au/) and an epic trip it was as always.
We put in at Fernvale Twin Bridges and paddled 42ks in 3 days to get out at Kholo and all of this with 10 year 6 and 7 boys from a Brissy Northside Primary School. What an effort and aren't my shoulders feeling it now!
So to begin with I'd like to say a BIG thank-you to our newest sponsor, Ken who provided us with loads of free European Crawler Worms for Bait which worked a treat!!
(see: http://www.gumtree.com.au/s-ad/mount...rms/1026893260)
I rang Ken on 0423810009 to buy some and he said he had read some of my posts on Ausfish and offered to drop some off to me (as he lives on the southside of Brissy) on his way north one weekend.
Wow, what a great guy and did they work or what.
We didn't get much of a chance to use them due to being so flat strap paddling all the time (as our schedule is pretty full) but in the small windows available to wet a line we caught 2 bass (the same boy both times would you believe!!) around high 30's to early 40's (no time to measure them as too busy getting pics and untangling lines). As well as that we caught plenty of small grunter looking things and a bunch of small catfish which the boys enjoyed.
The river was VERY LOW with lots of gravel patches you had to drag the canoes through and plenty of exposed rocks in the rapids all due to the river height or lack thereof.
The weather was amazing and I had to pinch myself to be sure it was real with less than 5 knots nearly all 3 days and perfect sunny days around 27 degrees!On the other side of the coin the nights were 'cold as'
with some of us freezing in our sleeping bags as we lay under the stars at night but all sorted once you get the thermals on.
As usual the boys were really impacted by our amazing environment with fog wafting up the river early each day, eagles, fish, various other cool looking birds and good old Moo Cows greeting us all the way down. In fact at one point several cows decided to do the bolt across the river just as some boys were approaching in their Canoe's! Dumb cows. They had decided to go it across a shallow part of the river (though still half their height) and spotted the boys coming down a slight rapid but still went for it nearly taking them down in the process.
Each night around the camp fire we talked about the things they enjoyed and rapids, mates, splashing and fishing were all up there. Major challenges included paddling, capsizes (of which there were plenty including the School Chaplain twice), and mates not chipping in. All good learning I reckon!
By the time we got to Kholo Bridge we were all flogged and you think it was over apart from the camp debrief but just as that was finishing a random guy hooked up to something big which he seemed to fight for yonks. An eel, a giant catfish....no it ended up being a good old Lung fish which he promptly threw back.
Another big thanks to Ken and good old macca's who sponsor the boys each time for an 'all they can eat' feast for lunch on the last day if we reckon they did a good job of sticking to their group deal and treating each other well and that they did.
Don't get me wrong. Some of these boys face Big Challenges back home and they come in all shapes and sizes (sadly I cannot divulge such) so Connect camps are not the cure all nor do they purport to be.
But trips like these really are good for these young guys and help them to move from irresponsible kids to the 1st stages of manhood as they learn to overcome, take responsibility, feed and cook for themselves and generally push themselves to the limit and beat the odds!
All good stuff I reckon!
Till next installment,
Ps. Thanks to Nathan, Matt, Paul, Dale and Fitzy for all of your tips. Worms definitely work. We even caught one bass at midday near where the boys were splashing about like mad men. Fishing with 10 pound mono seemed to work fine also. No hits on the spinner bait in purple at 1/4 over the 3 days trolling, casting etc so will try another lure next time.
Pps. Sorry about the lack of pics but I can't show pics of the boys without SU head office and parental permission etc