Basically to attach a long leader to braid.
The one I'm trying to find you do with the help of your knee and foot if it rings a bell. Folds up over itself.
80 lb braid to 80 lb leader.
Cheers if anyone can help.
Basically to attach a long leader to braid.
The one I'm trying to find you do with the help of your knee and foot if it rings a bell. Folds up over itself.
80 lb braid to 80 lb leader.
Cheers if anyone can help.
bimini twist
its the 2nd knot down the page
...of all the liars among mankind, the fisherman is the most trustworthy. ~William Sherwood Fox.
Lol how stupid do I look now! Cheers mate. Gotta stop being slack and get my knot tying practice up to date.
Although....if you are open to suggestions -there are knots such as this one that are generally good, until you are in the 80lb mark. If your leader is fluorocarbon, depending on brand used, can be very stiff and the actual knot is large. I won't use any other knot but FG Knot in the 80lb line strength. Here are a couple of easy ways to tie it
Do yourself a favour and learn it, you won't look back.
Thanks for that Scalem,the second one looks easier,I will be sitting in the boat tomorrow retying my leaders now.
Thanks Scalem, another mate also just messaged me regarding that knot, and I'll have a gander!
Giffo, you better have the knots sussed mate, I've only ever seen you drop fish!!!!!!
Gotta be in touch and work out whats needed for up north this week too I reckon.
Cheers guys!
Yacutan is a great knot for 80lb and heavy leaders.
FG knot is strong, doesn't require a second knot o attach the leader, and flows through the guides. Easy to tie as well....
As Nick said the Yutacan knot is a great quick knot but instead of the FG knot, have a look up the PR knot, I find it easier to tie than the FG knot and in the same vein, you will need to get a bobbin though, most guys doing serious jigging with use this along with a chain knot connection to the swivel. I find with 8-10 metres of leader it will be good for at least a couple of days hard fishing on the reefs.
No real difference between FG and PR knot, just depends what you can get your head around, i tried the FG knot and just cant get it to hold well, PR no worries, bimmini twist i find its hit or miss...just an option to consider...
Tangles KFC
Giffo, you better have the knots sussed mate, I've only ever seen you drop fish!!!!!!
As the saying goes,just one goat ! I spent the today mucking around in the boat in readiness for the M&G,1 more night shift and I am on Holidays
I agree with Tangles. I pre tie PR knots to all my heavier gear and have never had one let go. Happy to show you at 1770, but suggest you get me before happy hour in the house.
I'll third the PR knot , an absolute ripper that I have complete faith in. Ben
Go the bimini twist in the braid,tied to a single Albright in the nylon,never had one fail yet.
4th vote. cant go past the PR in my opinion for most applications. single strand connection = one knot. extremely low profile, hardly even touches the guides on the way through and can used in wind on applications allowing to deckies to grab the leader in close quarters on big fish. lt can be hard to tie but you get better. Just practice it and then practice it again and again. I use a bobbin that cost about 30 bucks
Try this knot, it is much simpler to tie, and has a great pedigree from use by US East coast Striped Bass anglers.
I used to use a bimini until I found about this knot.
Veni, Vidi, Fishi
I came, I saw, I Fished