I am posting this for a reason.....
Winter whiting have a bag limit of 50 per person...NO SIZE limit.
SUMMER whiting have a limit of 30 per person...AND Are limited by size...23ms I believe.
By all accounts, I should be able to have 50 Winteries & 30 Summeries on board at any given time. IS this correct
IF the above is correct......
CAN I have a DEFINATIVE answer from "Fisheries" as to just WHAT defines the two.
Pictures & identifying marks etc. would be appreciated.
The REASON I am pushing this so much is that there seems to be conflicting views on what constitutes EITHER Species.
I would like it written down...HERE...for anyone to refer to at what would seem a changeover for both species
We are ALL told that "IGNORANCE" is NO defence....hence I ask to be ignorant no more and obey the rules as they stand.
Can I PLEASE have this clarified by Fisheries THEMSELVES ?
Thank, Ray.