1999 Johnson 70hp 2 stroke.
Havent owned this motor for long, but its always been difficult to cold start, although I can always get it going. Once its been running, it starts and runs perfectly.
This morning I attempted to go fishing, but just couldnt get it started at the ramp. After almost an hour and with battery starting to struggle, I gave up and went home. I took it for a quick run on the river yesterday and was also difficult to start then, but it kicked over after a couple minutes. I have managed to get it running today back at home.
My last last motor was a four stroke which started every time with a flick of the key.
This is my first 2 stoke and Im after some tips for getting it started. It has the choke on the the key where you push it in as turning the key. The battery is near new and cranks well.
The procedure I use to cold start is:
1. Pump the primer bulb until hard, usually takes approx 8 pumps.
2. Turn the key whilst pushing in the choke, and then let off the choke once key is turned.
3. Repeat steps 1 and 2 until it finally decides to kick over and start.
So am I doing something wrong ? Is there something else I should be doing. After it cranks for a while and doesnt start, Do I actually neeed to prime the bulb more ? Any tips would be great, so I dont get stranded at the ramp ever again.