Like a row of scallops!! This is how it should have looked. Origin Boats Photo
Like a row of scallops!! This is how it should have looked. Origin Boats Photo
If only I could do half as good as this..
Kids who Hunt and Fish, Don't Deal and Steal.
timddo are you located near yatla or capalaba ? might be able to help ya out next week
Mmmm don't know about that weld. Looks like a lot of spots for crater cracks to appear. The " scallop" appearance on welds is usually when done with a Tig as in the links above. To me that weld is just moving the mig forward and back to achieve that look. Don't know how good it would be??
I'm surprised that this is viewed as not that good of a weld. While I have only done a little welding I would see this workshops weld quality above most tinny manufacturers out there. The bottom plate weld above this one is also very good imo. Not having a crack but what do you think makes a good weld on a tinny Macca? I'm actually genuinely interested because I thought these guys had exceptional weld quality.
Bull 1 is your man when it comes to welding.He is a specialist.Would be keen to see what he thinks of this lot....
Life is short fish hard!!!
21,6 Sea Fox WA Pro ....
that weld looks crappy to me looks like lots of spot weld (cold outer hot inner). needs to be done with tig if you want that appearance(but that doesnt have good appearance) that looks poor and crack worthy I would rather see a mig run done around that than that!! I am no expert on ali but i have never seen a boiler maker do that ever!
Love what he has done with this manifold -
Kids who Hunt and Fish, Don't Deal and Steal.
It is hard to tell but the weld above it seems to be a tighter weave so to speak. Maybe he was going to do another couple of runs over that making it a 3 run 2 layer fillet but I doubt it would need it. More than likely welded like that as the top material is much thicker than the hull plate?? Don't know but I do know that all those little craters are a spot where a crack will start. Be good to see the finished weld.
Triple, With the correct material and surface prep, and doing that all day every day, I am sure you could do as well or better.
The photo posted by Si (from Origin boats??) looks good but you would not perform anything more structural; like a keel (see same photo where the scales are much closer ) or transom for fear of uneven penetration. Because when scales are spaced out like this they potentially have the fortitude of a series of spot welds.
Ok for a planning strake I guess, ( as pictured) . And if it this pic is a promo photo from a builder, good on them. Good presentation.
Now, so not to be accused of being an armchair expert I am posting pics of a recent job that I did for a client whom needed a fuel tank rack in the bow of his tinny. The boat is about 7yrs old and I had to design a working solution that allows for cleaning underneath, removal of the fuel tank and being STANDED upon by large gentlemen.
Also, like any customer, price is an issue. We have to meet their budget within reason like any other supplier. The result has to be working, safe, strong and efficient. Special equipment and skills for precision bending components or welding materials of diff thickness inside or outside or indeed upside down are taken for granted by the customer.
By the way the quote and invoice were $220
Am not trying to sell anything, just wishing to put a realistic example along with my 20c worth on this thread. All the above is just IMO, not trying to stir anyone.
Cheers all,
Attachment 95786
Last edited by Shark Poker; 23-08-2013 at 08:28 PM. Reason: not to be confused with academic opinion, hopefully
A Proud Member of
"The Rebel Alliance"
I unfortunately don't have a photo of any of my work but if you look at any wheat wagons getting around the train tracks or perhaps one of the 15m satellite dishes in outback NSW stop in and check them out. One of those aluminium structures may have been welded by this armchair expert
Is this one of yours Macca?
Brilliant welding 2.jpg
Clearly those scallops are too close together Wags! Haha