So any fish, Ray?
So any fish, Ray?
A Proud Member of
"The Rebel Alliance"
Got 30 all up Paul with 10 thrown in from Robsue ( GOD LOVE HIS LIL HEART )...and hard work it WAS, UNLESS you are aboard Robs' boat . The man is a GENIOUS
BUT, there is nothing like gettin out there and havin a go.....sorta puts a person on notice atm
Be back next week, around Wed for another attack.....maybe Sandills, or the Rous, not sure yet
18 Monday.........30 with Robs help yesterday....
Got me buggered...Talked to Rob about this 1 hour ago, same rig, same bait, new hooks, sitting in his drift, couldnt get on
Could not get the bites he was getting, however we have different styles when fishing alone....THIS grasshopper is still learning