Nettie go back to your sums and stop fantasizing about men in tights.
(Using Tapatalk on iPhone so can't easily 'thank' or 'like')
Nettie go back to your sums and stop fantasizing about men in tights.
(Using Tapatalk on iPhone so can't easily 'thank' or 'like')
Nah mate same as you a righty who catches them with my left. My old man is a lefty and he taught me so......
This is a vid I did a couple of years ago showing my method
Might be a good excuse for a beach M&G if there is enough interest, happy to teach anyone who wants to learn.
S***fish & chippy
Nice idea F &C . I reckon that will get thumbs up everywhere.
If your doin it right you and the worm don't realise he's caught, the big clue is always keep sand between your finger and the worm. The rest is hours of practice. Also secure your beer with an around the neck strap or you'll definitely lose it!
As everyone else has said but I also try not to let my shadow fall across the worm as I approach.
do beach worms have eyes? not sure about the shadow bit, but hey, if it works, it works.
Don't go dancing on the dinner table.
Think about it.
My dictionary defines green as ‘unripe, immature, undeveloped'. Perfect description.
Most political parties are seen as interested in what the voters think, the Greens are seen as thinking the community should be interested in what they think.
Beach meet and great. Maybe when the whiting roll in at Inskip.
Has anyone in this thread actually confirmed they are there on Bribie's surf beach (Woorim/southern end) ?
I have found they come out easier if you pull sideways instead of straight up.
Also resist the urge to make that sudden grab right when you have have the worm between your fingers .pinch slowly till you feel you have a good grip but as soon as you do get good contact pull him out.
But it's that sudden pinch right at the end that will make them dive back down whereas a slow steady close tends not to alarm them as much.
Used to catch heaps of worms for pocket money when I was a youngun, there is one trick to catching them.
Same technique as mentioned before, either side of the head, then after the worm hooks onto the finger bait the worm will arch up to snap a piece of the bait off. When it is arching UP is the time I pinch/grab it about half and inch below the head, sand and all. You have to be quick.
At that point it is arching up all of the worm is on an upward move, so once your fingers close around it, just gently and quickly lift out, if you encounter resistance, just hold it steady, do not pull or you will break the worm in half.
If you keep a steady but light upward pull the worm will eventually release.
For the finger bait I used the round corm found in mullet gut, with the rest of the mullet gut in the end of a stocking or panty hose.
It is dynamite bait for worms (and bream)
Veni, Vidi, Fishi
I came, I saw, I Fished
It's cheating I know- but a pair of worming pliers is definitley the way to go! (Any decent tackle shop should have them) You just trade off the lifespan of the worm for the numbers caught as sometimes they dont last too long after having their heads squashed... After seeing how the pliers work I found it easier to catch them by hand.
I started teaching myself how to do it on a holiday at Surfers.
I bloke came up and started chatting to me and giving me few tips.
Turned out he'd done it after school, and on weekends, as a kid. he sold them to bait shops and ended up buying himself an MG when the rest of us only had pushbikes.
(Despite his help I used to have to dig mine out after getting hold of them.)
Guess the other thing you have noticed, when you start getting them people swimming at the beach are stunned that the things are there, under the sand, where they are swimming.