Every time I see a m&g post I think I am going to this one. Inevitably as the event gets closer and the trash talk begins I chicken out. Obviously all these guys know each other, will I be treated like an outsider or welcomed? Well it was time to find out. So last Thursday night I told my wife that I wished to spend a night on the Gold Coast with random people that I found on the internet. After some strange looks and SWMBO reading the Ausfish thread I was granted a leave pass.
The weather looked good on Saturday afternoon so I loaded the boat with a few rods and bait(escape plan should the m&g not go well) and beer in an esky.
I headed off for the Weiman Ck boat ramp for the first time and found it to be really good. Headed down to Tipplers via the Canaipa passage and arrived about 1630. I anchored a fair way from the Ausfish flag in case I made a tit of myself anchoring up but that all went well. I wandered over and after being bagged about the ETEC I was introduced to everyone. First problem, everyone except Lucky Phill and Chong used their real names. I had only ever related to these guys via their Ausfish names. Anyway I was helped reanchor closer to the tent and unloaded the esky and chair. The plan was to drink slowly and bail to go fishing before I was over the limit. Second problem, who can drink slowly with these guys (except for teetotaler Muddy Toes). So settled in and soon enough the fire was stoked up and the BS and jokes began. Most people reverted to their Ausfish names after a few drinks which made life a whole lot easier. The night went quickly and before I knew it I was out of beer and trotted off to sleep it off on the boat.
There are more elaborate descriptions of the activities of the night documented elsewhere on Ausfish.
So who should go to a m&g:
1) anyone interested in fishing/boats (some seriously nice rigs to look at)
2) if you are not offended by a bit of swearing (approximately every 4th word or every word if you are Chong)
3) sick of political correctness (definitely none of that PC stuff there)
4) don't mind a drink or twenty (if drinking is not your thing you can join the white beanbag gang on the beach)
5) interested in meeting a great down to earth bunch of guys and girl
Wish I went years ago. i will definitely be back for more.
Thanks for organising a great outing Marty and thanks to everyone who made me feel welcome (even if you did bag the ETEC all night!)