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Thread: PB Bay Snap & First Whiting Session

  1. #1

    PB Bay Snap & First Whiting Session

    Had the day off today with interstate family up for the week so decided why not make the most of 5-10knot winds in the morning and catch up with the family for the arvo and evening.

    Hit Cleveland ramp around 5:30am and shot out to Harrys for a plastics session with some stinky bait in the back esky as I had been sold on some good whiting in the Rous.

    Had a few drifts around the place and then someone decided to share a 20m area of the entire uninhabited area with me but thankfully they brought the fish on as first drift with my new buddy, I landed a 40cm squire on the drop. It turned into a race back to my drift line as he took off and stopped right in front of me as I started my next drift but thankfully he was just off the mark and as I just got down to the bottom my deadstick went off and it was on. After a good fight and a tug of war for my line I managed to land my new PB 70cm snap. Stoked! Thanks again bazza for your newly developed 3/8oz 5/0 jigheads, did the trick.

    Ended up doing two more drifts to no avail and decided to head over to the rous where I found robsue and learnt the lay of the land and did a few drifts for whiting amongst a fair few other boats. Ended up with 23 whiting in just over an hour with a few throwbacks.

    Big thanks to Seahorse and robsue for their generous advice to get onto my first targeted whiting I will definitely be back, providing Harrys isnt firing.

    Got some footage of the snap on the GoPro but won't have a chance to edit it for a few weeks so stay tuned.



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  2. #2

    Re: PB Bay Snap & First Whiting Session

    good stuff there, he looks nice and chunky no wonder he went hard.

  3. #3

    Re: PB Bay Snap & First Whiting Session

    Nice Snap Dan and a good feed of sweet Tings to boot. Well done to Seahorse and Robsue for the support they gave as well. That's what Ausfish is all about
    A Proud Member of
    "The Rebel Alliance"

  4. #4

    Re: PB Bay Snap & First Whiting Session

    Dan, what about the scaling of the whiting, have you brought a bag yet, makes it so easy eh

    and, I must say the snapper looked bigger when I saw it, it looked like a more pronounced bump fresh, and yeah as you said the 42cm or so looks like a throwback compared to its mate

    hope the rellies enjoyed their feed, pleasure to meet you

    cheers Robin

  5. #5

    Re: PB Bay Snap & First Whiting Session

    Well done mate

  6. #6

    Re: PB Bay Snap & First Whiting Session

    Nah mate haven't had a chance only just got home been at the parents place all arvo and night but definitely need a net if I get out Friday. Where did you say you got it from?

    Fillets were good on the whiting too was pretty impressed. Apart from one grinner, two flathead and three leather jackets the rest were all 23cm+ whiting so pretty stoked.

    Thanks again for the insight.

    Sent from my GT-I9505 using Tapatalk 2

  7. #7

    Re: PB Bay Snap & First Whiting Session

    from memory I think I got my last net from k-mart, im sure water towers fish and tackle has them as well, at bp roundabout where u turn right off manly road

  8. #8

    Re: PB Bay Snap & First Whiting Session

    Nice session there Dan, congrats on ur PB.

    & goodonya Rob for showin' the young fella a few tricks including the scaling bag.

    After making the mistake of listening to a BCF guy and buying a keeper net "because" they didnt HAVE any scaling nets in stock, who then said "a keeper net will work just as well" & THEN paying the price of losing about 28 whiting in my 1st scaling run.....I picked up the proper scaling bag for $7 at BigW Capalaba, last week.

    But...thems' the breaks, Cheers, Ray.

  9. #9

    Re: PB Bay Snap & First Whiting Session

    Can still remember the 1st time my mate used his scaling bag was funny back in the 90s he didn't tie it on very well, watched a bag with a 100 fish slowly disappear,

    May your lines be as tight as ....

  10. #10

    Re: PB Bay Snap & First Whiting Session

    Good stuff mate, they get bigger from that 70 number. Good stuff.

  11. #11

    Re: PB Bay Snap & First Whiting Session

    garfish, I find it best depending on size to only do around 30 per scaling run, gives them more room to toss around in the bag and descale faster

  12. #12
    Ausfish Platinum Member - R.I.P. October 2015 dayoo's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2007

    Re: PB Bay Snap & First Whiting Session

    Good on ya Dan about time you landed a decent snapper. Look forward to further reports where you increase your PB.


  13. #13

    Re: PB Bay Snap & First Whiting Session

    Thanks Bazza. Hasn't been through lack of trying just finally got one to stick. Just been hit up for more jigheads from mates so should keep you busy for a few more weeks. Cheers, Dan

    Sent from my GT-I9505 using Tapatalk 2

  14. #14

    Re: PB Bay Snap & First Whiting Session

    Well done mate that is a good eating size. Good feed of whiting aswell keep it up and you will eventually beat that PB I am sure great stuff.

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