Headed out fairly early on a solo mission, hit the water a bit after 6:30 and headed to the Scottish prince and filled up with livies pretty quickly and headed straight to the 24's.
First line was in the water about 7:30 and fished through till around 10.
Grand total was 5 trag, 3 snapper, 1 tusk fish and a Maori rock cod.
The trag were plentiful to say the least, was lucky to score the tuskie on the paternoster rig as the trag were smashing it every drop, the bigger trag loved the livies.
After hitting my bag for trag I changed to float lining which scored the 3 snapper and cod.
Conditions were great but made it almost impossible to do the same drift twice, wind would go one way then drop off, then go another way and drop back off...
The sounder showed very little when I was getting fish, but there did appear to be a fair amount of larger fish coming through mid water.
Did see a few whales come through and heard over the radio someone thought they may have caught a record breaking yellow fin tuna? Did anyone else hear this or know more?
Congrats on the feed from the 24's. And one of the game fishing club boats bagged a massive yellow fin tuna caught on yesterday on a 9" larva aqua fusion lure (cup head) weighing in at 55kg.