A trip last week end on Finatic a 35ft Bertram that lives at Bundy
Crew -
The call was made by Breno that the boat needs a run & we are in desperate need of a fish. The weather was a small window looking good for 2 days. We kept a close eye & done the dash to Bundy from the Sunny coast Thursday night. We were met by gentle sea breezes at the harbour so the call was lets fuel up & head to Lady Elliott for the night to get the morning bite session. It was all good until we had run out of protection from Fraser Island. The wind was howling & then turned a bit East Nth East. We Set down on the Nth East side of the Island & rock & Rolled all night. The morning came up & the wind was still blowing, not as much though, & the rain was pouring; not a great start!!!!.
We head to an area where Lenny had got some good fish when the boat was transported from Mooloolaba well off the Southern side of the Island well out of the green zone.
Was a pretty good move with fish hitting the box in sucsession. Breno had Lady Luck on his side pulling 3 Reds from this location & topping out his personal best at 13.5 KG.
The call was made Early to head wide & get the electric reels out, Well we searched & searched & bloody kept searching to find F$@k all show on the screen.
We made it to some ground off Musgrave Island in about 90L/m of water & got on to another good bite pulling good Mouri cod & Crimson snapper to 7-10Kg & also got a good Blue spot cod over 10Kg. The call was made to sneak up into the 40LM line & see if we could get a few more reds, however after a couple of drops the crew were keen to wash up & have a few drinks & a nice warm shower.
Saturday morning came straight from a post card snap, the weather was a complete glass out, to wake up with wales jumping and birds chirping in the lagoon was truly majestic, enough of that carry on!!!!
Back to fishing. Breno took the wheel & steamed out of the lagoon & hit the a spot off Musgrave & mentioned he had spotted a good Trout show, well he was right with over 20 trout hitting the box in lightning speed. However as quick as they came as quick as they went. lenny took the wheel to search again for more new ground but came up trumps again so we called in to some ground we had some existing marks on to only catch small through away fish with Thommo Dropping a Red it was decided to take advantage of the glassy conditions & head back to port.
Total fish was 60
Was disappointed in the Red efforts as i could see the buggars on the sounder however they seemed to have lock jaw!!!
Until next time
3 reds with Brenos PB of 13.5 Kg
21 Trout up to 5Kg
15 Mouri cod
1 Cattle dog cod
10 Grassy sweetlip
12 Red throat
5 Parrot
8 Crimson snapper
Great trip again with great company & great fishing had by all
Sorry no other pics the boys got straight into filleting the fish as we were all dog tired & just wanted to clean em up & hit the road.