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Ric's 7.5m Plate Alloy Cat Build
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Thread: Ric's 7.5m Plate Alloy Cat Build

  1. #1
    Ausfish Silver Member ric's Avatar
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    Jan 2007

    Ric's 7.5m Plate Alloy Cat Build

    Hi All,
    Its about time I post up this thread for everyone’s thoughtsand for those budding boat builders out there. I’ve decided to do this thread for 2 reasons:
    1 to show you guys what I am currently building
    and 2, if someone is thinking about doing something similar,hopefully I can answer some of your questions.

    We have taken over 500 photos so far, so if there is a photoof something you would like to see, post up and I will do my best to please.


    What we were after:
    After having a trip of a lifetime towing out 18ft alloy boatfrom Brisbane to Cooktown and getting the weather opportunity to get out to theribbon reefs, we decided it was time for an upgrade. My wife and I devised a list of essentials toget us going. (actually these are herrequirements…..remember: Happy wife, happy life.)

    Towing weight 3.5t (wet or dry)
    Soft riding + stable at rest for sleeping
    Hardtop with full glass surround (I hate clears, but they dohave their purpose)
    Twin engines (petrol as we both don’t like the smell ofdiesel fumes when trolling)
    Minimum queen size bed + second double bed for friends etc.(4 berth)
    Plenty of fresh water for hot shower
    Kitchen sink + stove top + dedicated galley area
    5-7 day capacity for live aboard
    Basic and maintenance free as possible

    So with our list in mind we set off looking about boat yardswith all options open, glass, alloy, mono and cat! I looked through the secondhand range and found something around the KC2800 a nice size, but too difficultto tow and pricey. I narrowed down mysearch to a 8m+ mono which becomes quite big for a trailer or a 7-7.5m cat tofit all our requirements in. I wanderedthrough a number of marine dealers looking at their 685’s etc. Being treated asa tyre kicker continually I had just about had enough. I then approached a number of custom alloybuilders who were excellent with their service but all ended up coming up wellabove budget. A credit to those builderswho actually listen and take their customers seriously. (All shall remain nameless)

    Cutting a long story short (well shorter) we decided to getas bigger boat we can afford and slowly build up the fitout items as we go,giving us a solid reliable platform for many years to come. As fate had it, I came across a website whodesigns your boat with a naval architect and cnc cuts out the boat foryou. After a number of conversationswith John Pontifex from Plate Alloy, I put down a deposit for a 7.5m Platealuminium cat kit. Finer details wereworked out and we were on our way, patiently waiting for our 1800kg of sheet toarrive. I did my sums and figured outthe deck space was huge, we were able to fit in all we wanted and had a decentreef boat with capabilities to do our up coming trips. (cairns to the cape andback via water)

    This is what I ended up with, boat specs:
    7.5m hull - 8.2m LOA
    Twin 150hp Four Strokes (hopefully 45knts ish)
    2x 250L fuel
    200l fresh water
    1 queen bed + 1 fold out double bed
    Kill tank, bait board, live bait tank, deckwash, hot watersystem etc
    2x Lowrance HDS7 with Airmar thru hull trans
    Foam filled with 10 air tight compartments (no bilge pumpsor bungs)
    Fully sealed deck and self draining – step-up from fishingarea to galley to keep those fishy juices out of the carpet….
    Hardtop with full glass surround (we will get there fatbouy!!!!)
    Boat will be bogged and wrapped on the sides, and painted onthe roof area. (no paint inside)

    So the second part of this thread I wanted to share my boatbuilding experiences for anyone interested, or who is thinking of taking onsuch a demon…(if you don’t care about this scroll down for pics) I have brokenit down into sections.
    Where to build:

    You need to build under cover out of the wind (can't weld in the wind) and you willneed a minimum:
    1m clearance around thebow, 3m at transom and 2m each side. So for me it was at least 12.2m long and6.5m width. So no worries there.
    If your doing something like I have, you will want around 5-6kto get you started and be comfortable for a while. I have created a list oftools which I use everyday.

    4” air grinder with 5mm blade, 4” air grinder with 1.5mmmulti cutter blade, full face shield (you need this, I have undies to provewhen a blade breaks up!) 5” grinder with sanding pad and 80 grit pads, 4”grinder with 40 grit flap discs, die grinder with open fluke bur, 6x Irwin quickgrip clamps (sizes from 300-600mm) turn buckes and shackles(pull you distortedalloy around town) permanent marker pens, vodka for the bad times, cold beerfor the good times and an 18 year old for when its done (scotch that is…..yousickos) and a camera you can leave in the shed to take photos. You will need all of this guaranteed as aminimum. Welder: I purchased the 250 amp/15amp pulse mig from Plate aAloy andit is sufficient for welding my boat. Was able to weld the 25x40mm keel bar tothe 5mm sheet.

    Experience needed:
    If your not good at welding it doesn’t matter. If you can’t weld at all I would definitely suggesttaking some sort of lessons or purchasing the welder 6 months in advance andhaving someone give you some tutorials. Iwas able to weld steel, but had never welded alloy. I had a friend who is a professional welderfor the past 50 years weld all the below water line/transom/fuel tanks andlearnt from him as we went. Learn fromthe pro welder and you will soon be able to pickup the quality of your own work(this is important) My background is Finance/law education + owning a civilconstruction business. It’s a bit of amix but I gained a lot of knowledge of metal works and general knowledge, soanyone can build really. Your onlylimited by your dedication.

    The time frame:
    Interesting topic this one. Everyone said to me it would take double the amount of time and triplethe cost. Not true. Plan well and be realistic about your skillsand you can accurately predict the timeframe of your build. I have been building for 1 year and 12 days. I am behind by about 6 weeks but ahead ofbudget! (pending trailer and glass)

    You need to be dedicated and allocate time each week for thebuild, otherwise you will never get it finished. I work every night for around 2-3 hours + aminimum Saturday and every second Sunday.

    Budget realistically. It will be miserable times ahead if you are always short of money and continuallycausing financial strain on your family.

    Spend some time getting your consumable costs down. I was purchasing G argon from BOC for280/bottle. I switched to SupaGas whowere 115 per bottle with free delivery! (I know!) I have used about 10 bottlesgas and over 100kg of 1.2mm wire so far.(state of the ARC at Capalaba have beenamazing with service) create a good relationship with your local welding shop and tell them what you are doing. If you act like you know what you are doing, no one will give you advice!! tell them you are learning and they will help you out!!!

    Compressor: you will need a good one to cool your welds andrun your air tools. I have an air dryingunit (refrigeration unit) to keep moisture out of the work area. Worthyinvestment. Otherwise you end up cooling your work area with wet air and yourair tools with have water dripping from them in no time.

    Get your family involved with your build. My mrs helped with the planning, grinding,sanding and everything else. It givesthem an understanding of why you’re never home and where all the money goes eachweek.

    Most importantly: be happy with your own work! I am first totell you that I am not a pro welder. Iknow there are much better looking boats out there than mine, but I know I builtmine and I know its strong. If you can’tbe happy with what you built, then don’t even bother trying to build, it willbe a miserable experience for all involved.

    So now that all that reading is out the way, onto the goodbits…. the pics

    Feel free to post up, all questions are relevant some way.

    Thanks for reading everyone,


  2. #2
    Ausfish Silver Member ric's Avatar
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    Jan 2007

    Re: Ric's 7.5m Plate Alloy Cat Build

    Just seeing how this uploading works.
    Attached Images Attached Images
    Last edited by ric; 12-07-2013 at 09:49 PM. Reason: might have figured it out...

  3. #3

    Re: Ric's 7.5m Plate Alloy Cat Build

    Ric, the upload didn't work for me. I can't wait to see the build
    A Proud Member of
    "The Rebel Alliance"

  4. #4
    Ausfish Silver Member ric's Avatar
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    Jan 2007

    Re: Ric's 7.5m Plate Alloy Cat Build

    sorry, have chosen about 30 pics to upload so far, and trying to figure out how to upload so everyone can see the pics without having to click on the links. grrr

  5. #5
    Ausfish Bronze Member Mattya's Avatar
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    Nov 2011

    Re: Ric's 7.5m Plate Alloy Cat Build

    5-6 grand you say? For all the alloy jigsaw pieces of your 7.5m cat?
    Well I know what my next boat will be. And I get to build it my self!
    This is awesome! Can't wait to see the pics. Might see you out at the reef one day.
    Good luck and happy days ahead getting it done

  6. #6
    Ausfish Silver Member ric's Avatar
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    Jan 2007

    Re: Ric's 7.5m Plate Alloy Cat Build

    Quote Originally Posted by Mattya View Post
    5-6 grand you say? For all the alloy jigsaw pieces of your 7.5m cat?
    Well I know what my next boat will be. And I get to build it my self!
    This is awesome! Can't wait to see the pics. Might see you out at the reef one day.
    Good luck and happy days ahead getting it done
    sorry to get you too excited....5-6k is for tools and sundries. kit cost is around 25-30k depending on what you get.

  7. #7
    Ausfish Platinum Member ozynorts's Avatar
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    Re: Ric's 7.5m Plate Alloy Cat Build

    Quote Originally Posted by ric View Post

    sorry, have chosen about 30 pics to upload so far, and trying to figure out how to upload so everyone can see the pics without having to click on the links. grrr
    You need to use the go advanced button and then insert pics inline and then we can see them in your post.
    Sounds like a great project mate.
    Remember to always log on before heading offshore.

  8. #8
    Ausfish Silver Member ric's Avatar
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    Re: Ric's 7.5m Plate Alloy Cat Build

    getting the hang of this
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  9. #9

    Re: Ric's 7.5m Plate Alloy Cat Build

    All good now
    A Proud Member of
    "The Rebel Alliance"

  10. #10
    Ausfish Silver Member ric's Avatar
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    Re: Ric's 7.5m Plate Alloy Cat Build

    a few more photos
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  11. #11

    Re: Ric's 7.5m Plate Alloy Cat Build

    Quote Originally Posted by ric View Post
    sorry to get you too excited....5-6k is for tools and sundries. kit cost is around 25-30k depending on what you get.

    Well that's awesome then Ric!!!!

    I'll give you 25K and you can just let me know when It's built and I can pick it up.

  12. #12
    Ausfish Bronze Member Mattya's Avatar
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    Re: Ric's 7.5m Plate Alloy Cat Build

    I thought it sounded a bit cheap, still within my reach and being able to say that you put it together yourself is pretty cool.
    What's your start to finish time frame? It's at a good stage now, where it's starting to take shape and you can do all the little innovative things that make it a sweet fit out later on.
    Will you be building the trailer yourself also?

  13. #13
    Ausfish Silver Member ric's Avatar
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    Re: Ric's 7.5m Plate Alloy Cat Build

    that's all I've got the energy for tonight. will upload more later on.

    I'm currently waiting for the pro to welder to weld up the transom framing for me. I've added an additional framing to the 11/12th bulkhead for additional strength. will post up some pics.

    got a few hours of sanding still and almost ready to fit the tanks and conduits for the wiring/plumbing. I can't start bogging the side sheets until the floor is seal welded as the seal welds will distort the side sheets still.

  14. #14
    Ausfish Bronze Member Mattya's Avatar
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    Re: Ric's 7.5m Plate Alloy Cat Build

    Reef boat? Lol. Where do you put the guns & drugs? That is going to be a sweet ride.
    When you motor past a little yellow tub out at the reef and get a friendly mooning, that'll be me saying howdy...

  15. #15
    Ausfish Silver Member ric's Avatar
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    Re: Ric's 7.5m Plate Alloy Cat Build

    Quote Originally Posted by Muddy Toes View Post
    Well that's awesome then Ric!!!!

    I'll give you 25K and you can just let me know when It's built and I can pick it up.
    come on muddy be serious!!!
    I need to add 30-40%, paid in full up front.
    but wait there's more........
    i'll give you a number to call me on. but don't worry, that phone is never answered.
    Oh no.. look what's happened, I accidentally went broke. sorry mate, maybe next time I open a company.

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