Originally Posted by
Jack that's a slightly different thing.... a deposit would be the normal thing for _almost_ all businesses wouldn't it?
But some want money up front. That is presumably because they have custom stuff that if the customer balks they are stuck with.
It's the old problem of balance between risk and reward ( ie they will get more customers without the up front hurdle). The customer decides if they want to take the risk of insolvency in the business. Mostly it's a safe bet but as here, it can go wrong.
Unless the up front aspect was a recent change, then the business didn't do it to screw customers, but rather to protect themselves from being screwed.
I feel for Ric and hope he gets a good resolution but unless the up front was a recent thing I still can't see it as a deliberate low act.
Please understand that I have no stake in any of this... I just think its probably not a deliberate low act.
Truly hope it goes ok for you Ric, and I would gladly ante up my $10 if you decide you can accept our collective help.
(Using Tapatalk on iPhone so can't easily 'thank' or 'like')