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Thread: Ramp hogs

  1. #1

    Ramp hogs

    Just a little rant about something I cop nearly every time I go to Toorbul boat ramp, people fishing on both side of ramp right down to waters edge right where you would pull your both up to hop off and fetch your trailer, Toorbul seems to have a constant stream of hillbilly types that seem to think the ramp was put there to give them somewhere to fish from, would really like to see some signage to state a boaties right of way or make fishing from a ramp illegal..

  2. #2

    Re: Ramp hogs

    It really makes you wonder why you would want to fish right in the middle of a fuel and oil depot. Boats coming and going all day, there would be more oil in there than under Bass Strait. (shhh don't tell the greenies ).

  3. #3

    Re: Ramp hogs

    Maybe they are fine and you guys are unsociable buggers!
    Be freindly, and offer them a lift to a sandbank across the channel where there is better fishing.
    All of a sudden depart and leave them there!
    A Proud Member of
    "The Rebel Alliance"

  4. #4

    Re: Ramp hogs

    Yep its annoying, and then they give you bad looks when you approach the ramp and they have to wind in. They just dont get it.

  5. #5

    Re: Ramp hogs

    I hear you. Visit Beachmere ramp one of these days and try to use the Pontoon-- good luck with that one. it seems the area between both ramps has now been taken over with mangrove trees so it is impossible to use it or pull up in there. There is a small beach at high tide beside one ramp but seems the whole area is a land fisho's paradise these days.

    When you could use the area between we were coming in one day there and there were some small kids just playing around in the sand--parents were watching us try to come in and did absolutely nothing about getting the kids out of the way until they realised I was coming straight for them and wasn't gonna stop.
    They had the nerve to have a go at me so they soon got told in no uncertain terms that it was a boat ramp--used by boats and not a childrens play ground with a sand pit. Some people have no idea and just don't have any manners these days.

    I like the above idea though--offer a ride to the far side bank and after they get out of the boat leave them there.

    Mrs H.
    Oh and we have given up using the local ramp--go to spinaker now as we find it much better--even on a busy weekend it is worth waiting to use it.

  6. #6

    Re: Ramp hogs

    I've had kids swimming at the end of the Donnybrook boat ramp before when trying to offload. They didn't want to move either. Hillbillies would be an accurate term. I think they had a set of teeth between them.

  7. #7

    Re: Ramp hogs

    I have a ramp hog story but by another boat, was taking my wife out for a cleanup day on a local river and a guy was crooked across two lanes, trailer had kicked out into the second lane at the end of his reversing job. i was worried that i might hit his semi-inflatable so Waited for him to (very slowly) solo launch (wife was driving our car and i was in the boat to drive it off). Guy stares at me like 'what are you waiting for' so i said i was just waiting so i didn't accidentally hit his boat if the current caught me after launching, he noticed he was across two lanes so got a wriggle on fortunately.

    We start going 6 knots down the river as its a 6 knot zone and he roars past at over 20 knots, straight passed the ferry (and over its submerged cables) and down the river, he takes the first couple bends okay but then doesn,t cross over so i said to my wife 'this guy has zero idea'. Next minute he hits a big sandbank, slows to a instant crawl and asks another bloke for directions, sees me and follows me out through the river.

    Later he follows us back in and then comes chatting, just walks up and hits my polycraft with a closed fist (why do people bloody do that? I don't hammer fist your boat no matter how strong i think it is).

    Then hooks up his boat and roars off down the road, just an accident waiting to happen on land or sea.

  8. #8

    Re: Ramp hogs

    I guess this is just a sign of the times, more people in a given area means at least a percentage of them will want to have a fish somewhere! near me we have a 4 lane bridge over a lake, and at each end there is very clear signs "NO FISHING" (the NSW law states no fishing off road bridges anyway) but it is very common for the bridge to be almost shoulder to shoulder with people fishing, lots of sinkers hitting cars, rubbish left on the side (there is a walkway on one side) but no one has even been approached by the Police to tell them to move on! Same goes for my local ramp, it is a great squid fishing spot at night, and during the day, there is always a heap of tourist fishermen that seem to think it was built for them, many a verbal stoush has been had there, by boaties picking up lines with their prop, or pulling up to the jetty while people are fishing! It will never cease, and to a point, how can you stop it?

  9. #9

    Re: Ramp hogs

    I forgot something, the ramp is also a great spot for people to dive off the jetty and the gantry that is built there, and to make matters worse, there is a lot of young people who have a sort of ramp built that they place on the edge, then ride their BMX bikes down the jetty, up the ramp and into the water, might be great fun, but not a lot of room for error when a few boats are jockeying around for retrieval!

  10. #10

    Re: Ramp hogs

    That's what I mean noelm, Toorbul ramp was recently re cemented and in their wisdom they made smooth surfaces right down to the water so its impossible to step off onto the sides of the ramp when you come in, that leaves the very corners of ramp as a place to step off and hold your boat, yesterday saw 2 people in deck chairs on southern side corner fishing and 2 standing on north side fishing, so you go where?, I had my wife and grand daughter with me so getting into a fist fight with some beaver toothed hillbilly isn't what I want, I just want to use the ramp my rego pays for..

  11. #11

    Re: Ramp hogs

    So what happens if you do collect their lines with your prop?

    Does it bugger the prop with wraps?

    Or is it insignificant to the motor?

    Just wondering. Not planning on cleaning them up deliberately... Just wondering what happens.

    (Using Tapatalk on iPhone so can't easily 'thank' or 'like')

  12. #12

    Re: Ramp hogs

    as long as you get the line off when you get the boat out, it will be fine if you leave it wound around the shaft (especially braid) you will chew out the seal and let water into your gearbox, which is usually not a good thing.

  13. #13

    Re: Ramp hogs

    I've tried to come into cabbage tree before with one side taken up by someone retrieving and 2 guys fishing across the other side of the ramp. My half cab a bit hard to park with a heavy wind I pointed toards the other side thinking he would wind in and cast out again after I was in but clearly didn't take the hint. So I went in caught his line chopped it off and got a nasty glare from him to which I replied "Its here for boats, you've got a whole creek to fish in including 2 jetty's within walking distance so either bring your lines in when someone is trying to use it for its purpose or f@#K off somewhere else." needless to say by the time i was back with the trailer they were already packing up. I don't mind people having a fish/cast off the end just be courteous to other people that need to use it.

    Also I can remember when I first started driving I was hopeless backing a trailer so I coped a few WTF are you doing looks for a bit but I made sure I was quick to get the boat off the trailer and apologized for the delay and said I was new to backing a trailer and almost all were nice and offering pointers. I'm fine now but sometimes takes me a couple of goes, i found the easiest way is whichever mirror the boat is showing too much in is that hand down and a bit of practice in the empty car park can make it a lot easier.

  14. #14

    Re: Ramp hogs

    Thanks Noel. Good to know.

    (Using Tapatalk on iPhone so can't easily 'thank' or 'like')

  15. #15

    Re: Ramp hogs

    Other ramp hogs (especially at Wello Point) are those that back down the ramp and then proceed to load up their boat while many are waiting to launch.

    Or the reverse - those that drag the boat onto the trailer then gin around on the ramp for ten minutes before leaving.

    There are bloody rigging areas for these activities you idiots!

    Rant over...

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