Rowley Shoals is renowned for its numbers of marlin and sailfish...if your chasing bug GT's head to Groote!
Hi All,
I am looking to spend a week fishing for some big, gear busting, hard fighting fish. The bigger the better (but not looking for marlin or sailfish. Not that I have anything against them, but it is a little too much work with rigging up and trolling around for not that many fish).
Has anyone been to either Groote Island or the Rowley Shoals? If so, was it any good, and how did you get there?
Can anyone recommend anywhere better?
Thanks in advance, Al
Rowley Shoals is renowned for its numbers of marlin and sailfish...if your chasing bug GT's head to Groote!
Living the dream, Barry
sorry that sounded a bit kiwi...I meant big!
Living the dream, Barry
A mate has been on Groote for a month, unbelievable fishing. Heaps of pelagics on the troll.
Another vote for Groote but Rowley would be fun as well. Rowley is a live aboard trip though.
Remember to always log on before heading offshore.
I had sort of assumed that Rowley Shoals must be a live aboard, but I wasn't sure. A bit more research and it occurred to me that Vanuatu or New Caledonia might also be a great option for about the same sort of money. Any comments on either would be appreciated.