Yep Yep thanks Marty for organizing along with everyone else that made it a M&Gsorry I was a bit pre-occupied haha but note to self make it a three nighter next time so I can eat all the food I took (or part there of) was just starting to settle in and it was time to race home to NSW
there were a few very funny angles on boats this morning haha and yes at least Marty's boat was level side to side but his head was very red this morning from the blood rush to his head with the big cat's stern high and dry up on the bank
got a bit of a handle on how not to hit submerged reefs (thanks to the no less than 6 people that helped haha) and am looking forward to some more exploring in the rat race over populated take ticket to reverse park ya boat to have picnic lunch on ya boat called SE QLD
cheers Murf