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South Straddy M&G Recon trip
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Thread: South Straddy M&G Recon trip

  1. #1

    South Straddy M&G Recon trip

    Hi Guys,

    I am taking my wife and girls out on a day of R&R&R...yep Rest, recoup and rain. Well hopefully not. I will however be heading out to South Straddy in preparation for a Meet and Greet I am going to organise in 3-4 weeks. I will probably go for lunch at Couran Cove or Couran Point.
    I will be out and about and if you see me feel free to say gday.

    Living the dream, Barry

  2. #2

    Re: South Straddy M&G Recon trip


  3. #3
    Ausfish Platinum Member Boat Hog's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2011

    Re: South Straddy M&G Recon trip

    Are you trying out the new Tranny?

    Is Muddy going with you?

    Have I asked the same question twice?

  4. #4

    Re: South Straddy M&G Recon trip

    Quote Originally Posted by Captain Seaweed View Post
    Hi Guys,

    I am taking my wife and girls out on a day of R&R&R...yep Rest, recoup and rain. Well hopefully not. I will however be heading out to South Straddy in preparation for a Meet and Greet I am going to organise in 3-4 weeks. I will probably go for lunch at Couran Cove or Couran Point.
    I will be out and about and if you see me feel free to say gday.

    3 to 4 WEEKS!!!!

    Geeze Im gunna be busy making sure my boat is ready then! So much to do so little time!

  5. #5

    Re: South Straddy M&G Recon trip

    Please make it in 4wks (I'll be back from WA)
    Looking at making it to my first M&G

    Plus I'm still looking forward to having a squiz at your boat

    S***fish & chippy

  6. #6
    Ausfish Platinum Member Giffo65's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2010

    Re: South Straddy M&G Recon trip

    Hope some good weather is coming,we are due for some. What you thinking, fishing and BBQ on south Straddie or Wavebreak maybe ? The kids will swim as cold as it is .

  7. #7

    Re: South Straddy M&G Recon trip

    Giffo, the kids could swim in his live bait tank -->it's huge.

  8. #8

    Re: South Straddy M&G Recon trip

    There is a low developing off Northern NSW so I am unsure what the weather will do. I think A run from Horizon Shores to wavebreak will be the go and take in the sights. I have the weekend 27th pencilled in at this stage but it will be weather dependant. I havnt sussed out the venue yet but will be sure to post something up tomorrow night.
    Yes I had a new tranny installed so I will be giving it a run. I am waiting to get offshore with Anthony and others but havnt had the boat for 4 weeks as the bloke working on it needed time, and his aunty had just passed away. So a family day unless it rains and get out there.

    Living the dream, Barry

  9. #9

    Re: South Straddy M&G Recon trip

    27th is now penciled in the book
    S***fish & chippy

  10. #10

    Re: South Straddy M&G Recon trip

    Quote Originally Posted by Captain Seaweed View Post
    There is a low developing off Northern NSW so I am unsure what the weather will do. I think A run from Horizon Shores to wavebreak will be the go and take in the sights. I have the weekend 27th pencilled in at this stage but it will be weather dependant. I havnt sussed out the venue yet but will be sure to post something up tomorrow night.
    Yes I had a new tranny installed so I will be giving it a run. I am waiting to get offshore with Anthony and others but havnt had the boat for 4 weeks as the bloke working on it needed time, and his aunty had just passed away. So a family day unless it rains and get out there.

    What did you get Marty??

    And who did it

    Just found out I don't have the preferred transducer for my hull... not bad.. been drivin over plenty of fish for the last 6 years

    Retired Honda Master Tech

  11. #11

    Re: South Straddy M&G Recon trip

    Hi Garry,
    I used the local sparky at Horizon KLM Electrics. I replaced what was there which was a flush mount Brass 600W Airmar b116 from memory. What tranny are you running Garry?

    Living the dream, Barry

  12. #12

    Re: South Straddy M&G Recon trip


    I have an M260 1kw

    Retired Honda Master Tech

  13. #13

    Re: South Straddy M&G Recon trip

    Quote Originally Posted by Spaniard_King View Post
    What did you get Marty??

    And who did it

    Just found out I don't have the preferred transducer for my hull... not bad.. been drivin over plenty of fish for the last 6 years

    What should it be Garry? got the same one, as you know.


  14. #14

    Re: South Straddy M&G Recon trip

    Quote Originally Posted by Captain Seaweed View Post
    I havnt sussed out the venue yet but will be sure to post something up tomorrow night.

    Oh really...............

  15. #15

    Re: South Straddy M&G Recon trip

    I am heading out again tomorrow.....promise to post something...

    I think it might be just as easy to set up a venue at the bedrooms...will confer
    Living the dream, Barry

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