I did a post in estuary section and was asked:-
How I fillet my flathead
How I cook my flathead
So I thought put it here:-
Step one catch flathead - I have found that the hardest step but most enjoyable one
Gut and gill the flathead
Then I remove the blood line - this is important so it does not flow into the flesh when cutting fillet and contaminate it - these brushes are brilliant for this purpose
Now cut back the wings or side fins
Then cut it right across till it meets the backbone
Then cut the underside of the fish up to the skin top side but do not cut through the skin. You can splay the fish open to see it is clean to the fish skin and no flesh left uncut - important if you do not want the fillet to tear when peeling. Cut both sides of the spine and inspect.
Start by peeling the fillet from the head end - you can start at the tail end but the fillet is more prone to tear - so i always go from head to tail
Repeat the fillet peeling to second fillet
All good and ready to store for a feed when ready.
Some people want the bones removed - I use two methods:-
Method one with pliers is effective but it does tear the flesh a bit
Method two is to run your finger along the fillet to locate the bone start and finish as they only run about half way along the fillet. I then cut the tail bit away and then split the remaining fillet lengthwise either side of the bones and you are left with three boneless pieces and the bones to throw away.