bit of video what tim d threw together from last weekend
bit of video what tim d threw together from last weekend
Well done tim. Nice vid mate
I need a camera guy...move to Noosa Timmy D :-). Ooops...forgot...he's banned from Ausfish. lol
Oz Fishing TV
goldfinch,he's only good as a camera guy,cannot catch snapps
I heard a rumour tim d is collecting 1 and 1.5 ounce egg sinkers and practicing a tying hooks. He drinks vb's now too.
Must have caught the rosco fever. Lol
Rosco - did you have both motors in gear in reverse there to hold her into the swell. I find with my cat she always wants to get side on to the swell and it makes it right royal pain in the A to drift.
I've got a little one Rob - just haven't used it yet
nah bugman both motors where turned off...I just position the boat that way on the drift when I starts to turn a little I turn the outboards to correct it again...