Mental note bring camera
Best catch you have made this year Boonie![]()
I don't think you could have enough JOY to erase that vision , maybe we could get Macca to wear a grass skirt as well so its not so confronting
She'll be still impressed by me from the week before to be worried about u guys![]()
CALL SIGN : JT OR SC552(social club member)
There is a fine line between fishing and just standing on the shore like an idiot
I wonder how much deeper the ocean would be without sponges
Up here we Use Hussar as baits for real RED FISHS (SHSIIFDER)
Only if you wear Boony's tights,,,,,again.
Ive seen many aberations at the cook off over the last 6 years, but pink tights and Macca?
I wont be able to face it I know without suitable anesthetic beers/joy/bourbons/beers/joy/bourbons/beers/joy/bourbons/beers/joy/bourbons/beers/joy/bourbons/beers/joy/bourbons/beers/joy/bourbons/
then i have to face Murfs fried fish!, TheDeckies Sarah leigh, and Booneys Tights..
This is Gods Country!! your trashin it you FERRETS!
Tangles KFC
Harden up u lot geez.... I didn't hear this level of whinging when the bet was made... Maybe next time just use a big boy voice and express your concerns
Cheers boony
Fishing can be defined as "A jerk on one end of the rod, waiting for a jerk on the other".
"Fishing was around along time before you darling"
Well the night is getting closer and the garments have been acquired. Only one small problem. Ahhh OK better make that 2. I now know why tights are called tights and I don't think testicles are meant to be inside those things. The trial run did prove a tad uncomfortable with both cags retreating deep inside me somewhere and a moderate amount of pain experienced. So the way I see it one of two things are going to happen. I will turn up with said garments on and not last too long before having to remove the bottom half! Or, the cricket box that Honda900 is lending me will prove to be a pain free barrier between the constricting pinkness and my goolies. The latter being the case I will soldier on but if the former is true no amount of name calling will stop me getting rid of those future child destroying pants. Just thought I'd let you all know to save any disappointment. Chalk up another victory to a deathanol induced wager!!
Oh and don't worry Honda I will return the box complete with a moderate amount of ball sweat. Probably on your face one night while you sleep!
Nah, its au natural or nothing Macca. First you try and cancel the cook off and now you want to hide behind Hondas prophylactics. Man up and work through the pain. If a few of your NSW brethren had done the same you would not be in this predicament
A Proud Member of
"The Rebel Alliance"