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Thread: how long to clean your boat

  1. #31

    Re: how long to clean your boat

    We do about the same as you. Flush the motor and while that is happening I get up in the boat and pass rods, buckets, knives, etc down so it is ready to be cleaned. hubby gives me bucket of soapy water and i run over the inside and wash down the bait board, run over the clears and windscreen. Motor flushed, then outside and trailer done. Takes an hour or 2 but worth it. Clean boat every trip and well maintained.

    Mrs H

  2. #32

    Re: how long to clean your boat

    Yeah I would say a couple of hours, but all worth it. Rather clean it in the arvo after a morning fish than have to do it the morning after a night fish thou. I clean the boat and the Mrs fillets the fish. Isn't that how it works?


  3. #33

    Re: how long to clean your boat

    Because a typical trip for me comprises of three to four guys for two days and a night and 1500 km of highway driving by the time I get home I'm buggered and the boat is filthy so after a good night's sleep I'm up the next day for a solid 5-6 hours of cleaning and detailing the boat, motor and trailer.
    Boat gets stripped down completely and everything washed, dried and packed away, boat scrubbed, tubbed and detailed. Motor flushed, cowl removed and internal components wiped down left to dry. Trailer scrubbed, lubed and sprinkler sat behind each wheel for a while.
    After that it's usually a good couple of hours cleaning, filleting and cryovacing fish ready for collection by the crew.

    I prefer doing all the cleaning myself.....I actually enjoy it and with me doing it I know for sure everything has been done properly and nothing was missed.

    This whole routine is pretty typical for me unless I get the usual Ausfish suspects dropping around for a chat then this can blow out to an all day affair of standing around solving the world's problems.

  4. #34

    Re: how long to clean your boat

    I just give mine a hose for 2 min max, and about the same for the trailer. I don't think it acheives anything washing with detergent for an hour or more except put you off boating or delay more important things like looking after your catch!

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