You may recall that a boat identical to the one I am building was built up on Lake Maquarie and Frank the original builder sadly died of cancer. Phil, who helps me with my boat from time to time finished the boat for Frank's wife almost a year ago. Today we took it out on the Lake for it's first sea trials prior to her putting it up for sale. I was particularly interested in how the 40HP Honda motors would push the boat along as I haven't yet made a power commitment.
Getting the boat to the lake was our first challenge as none of us have a big 4WD. So we used Phil's 1986 240 diesel 2WD hilux. The little diesel took the job in stride for the journey from Swansea to the ramp at Vallentine's Bay (about 5 km.) The combined weight of the boat and trailer was probably around 1200-1300kg and the little truck had no problems with launch and recovery, not even looking like spinning a wheel. The pictures don't really show how much this looked like a flea pulling an elephant!
The sea trials went excellent with the exception that the motors seemed way low in the water and the analogue RPM guages seemed to read lower than the actual revs. After an hour of pottering around at trolling speeds, here's what we measured off the gauges and the GPS:
2 X Honda BF 40 pushing 7M composite cat
500 3.5 knots
1000 5.8
1500 9.9
2000 15.0
2500 19.5
At 2500, from the position of the controls and how they sounded, I'd say the motors were running closer to 3/4 WOT and we didn't want to rev any higher this early in the run-in period. I thought I read in another thread that there's a setting or a switch somewhere on the motor to get the correct RPM readings.
By the way we did align the motors before setting off (this is an older pic.)
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