Thought I'd fish the back of the full with the highest peak last night. Good, consistent action both sides of the high. About ten legal bream, and a couple of lizards. Kept these for a feed, threw the others back for next time. All fish were noticeably fat and in great nick.
Just a quick side whinge - I had a look at a local pier and surrounds yesterday arvo. Firstly had to come to the rescue of a tiddler bream because some bloke who shouldn't be fishing walked it a mile up the bank, fart arsed around trying to de-hook it with ten different types of tool, then jumped and threw the bugger everytime it moved. I got the shits and had to take it off him and release it myself. I showed him where to grab them, so hopefully he knows now.
Second was trying to convince a bloke that his 'Whiting' was in fact a tailor, and a small 25cm one at that.
I'm no fun police, far from it (it's bloody great seeing people enjoy fishing), but it's a bit of a worry how few people know the rules/their species/how to properly handle fish. No

one's perfect (me especially), and we all have to learn, but I reckon having the basics covered should be a must. It's hard not to crack a darkie when you see this happening, though. Either way there were no bingles, and all were smiling after each encounter - especially the poor basta%d undersized fish!!!