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Thread: Garmin GPS72 recovery

  1. #1
    Ausfish Bronze Member Marchy001's Avatar
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    Oct 2010

    Garmin GPS72 recovery

    Grabbed the trusty old GPS72 out of the boat bag recently to grab some coordinates to send my brothers way only to find it will not turn on. Tried a few sets of batteries a couple of technical taps but still no joy. I have some points recorded in my little black book but not many.
    Is there any way to extract any data from it? This one GPS holds all of my grandfathers spots approx 60 years worth of fishing the area around Wallaroo SA and many many days in the boat had been spent to record them all.

    Any assistance would be greatly appreciated



  2. #2

    Re: Garmin GPS72 recovery

    1. I wouldn't be getting any hopes up as those units typically have an internal battery source that maintains settings/config & data. These units should always be stored with batteries and changed at regular intervals which also maintains the internal battery source.

    2. What you can try is 1) put in good fresh batteries and leave sit for a couple of weeks then try again 2) try powering via a power/data cable and external power supply.

    3. This is not the point to start thinking about recovering important marks from a unit that has not been maintained properly and/or backed up.

  3. #3

    Re: Garmin GPS72 recovery

    It would be worthwhile connecting it to your computer with a usb / serial cable and try a reboot there, possible that you may get a shot at grabbing the data.
    Check the battery terminals have not got any form of corrosion or discoloration on them.
    It is possible the screen has died but the unit is still working ....... could be able to transfer your marks .... you will have to remember the startup sequence to get it to operating mode.

    If it has a SD card slot, I would remove the card from the slot for a startup. It could be a hand from a SD failure.

  4. #4
    Ausfish Bronze Member Marchy001's Avatar
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    Oct 2010

    Re: Garmin GPS72 recovery

    It got fresh batteries quite often and the batteries that I removed are not corroded and still fire up a torch to full brightness. I also plugged it in to an external power source for a while hoping that would do something but no joy.
    Looks like ill have to head back to SA and take an old fella fishing a few times.

  5. #5
    Ausfish Bronze Member Marchy001's Avatar
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    Oct 2010

    Re: Garmin GPS72 recovery

    No removable storage on this one sadly.

  6. #6

    Re: Garmin GPS72 recovery

    Definitely try a cable to the computer.
    If the screen is dead you will still get your data, if the unit is dead, I'm afraid your cactus.
    One of life's hard lessons, always download your GPS marks, LEarnt that the painful way myself. Your actually more likely to lose a unit that have it die on you, but same result - lots of tears!

  7. #7
    Ausfish Bronze Member Marchy001's Avatar
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    Oct 2010

    Re: Garmin GPS72 recovery

    Will give it a try.
    Then comes the hard part of telling an 88 year old that the flash little device that held his life's worth of fishing spots failed. Ill never hear the end of it.

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