Google Nexus 7 8GB is around $150 + $43 for Navionics, let's you hunt for white pointers if the fishing's slow.
Google Nexus 7 8GB is around $150 + $43 for Navionics, let's you hunt for white pointers if the fishing's slow.
Latest update.....
Both my antennas work on the Trymax boat so I just bought a new power cable and a whole new Garmin backbone plus a sneaky little purchase of a Garmin 750s for good measure.
Standby for further updates.....
While you were buying stuff you could've bought me a thru hull transducer..(xmas pressy)...
Would you have got the 750S cheaper at BCF ????
Maturity is not when we start speaking BIG things,it is when we start understanding small things
Nup...............Looked at them at BCF and coz I'm such a nice guy and a valued customer of Trymax,bla bla bla..............
Latest update.............
Software update download failed.............
New backbone failed...........
New power lead failed.......
New antenna, lead, backbone work perfectly on the 750s........
Taking 4010 down to Trymax to play shot put...........
look on the bright side, it's a nice day to be out and about. I'm stuck in the office on Ausfish.
Maturity is not when we start speaking BIG things,it is when we start understanding small things
There are two levels of reset. The big one requires the unit to be stationary with good satellite view for about 15 mins. That's the one that worked for me
A Proud Member of
"The Rebel Alliance"
New nss12 coming???
I have had the same garmin External antenna for a 6 ears, no probs.. new unit a 750 in dash, no external antena works fine. from what you have said looks like the head unit as the antena is still functioning.
PS, Ipads belong in the sea, cause they full of sea men.
Left the unit at Trymax today for them to pull apart on the bench as it's out of warranty.
It's got them a bit puzzled as to what it may be as they have never had a head unit fail a working external antenna before.
The NMEA2000 socket in the back of the unit has the slightest of movement in it so we're hoping the moving plug may have broken a wire between it and a board inside but it's unlikely they said as it's only a very minute amount of movement.
So it's a wait and see kind of game................