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Thread: carp fishing rocklea?

  1. #1

    carp fishing rocklea?

    ive heard you can catch some nice carp at rocklea area somewhere behind the bunnings does anyone know exactly how to get to the creek or waterhole i dont feel like walking like a very long distance haha also best place to park

  2. #2

    Re: carp fishing rocklea?

    Sounds fun. I'd like to know this too.

  3. #3

    Re: carp fishing rocklea?

    Marshall Rd, just past Zupps Trucks to the left of the causeway right at the road too easy. Good luck

  4. #4

    Re: carp fishing rocklea?

    do not give up on the beach fishing....

  5. #5

    Re: carp fishing rocklea?

    thanks are you meaning to fish off the stable swamp park on marshall road? or do you mean go down freney st? and i dont plan to give up on beach fishing i got drift there is taylor on the move

  6. #6

    Re: carp fishing rocklea?

    The hole on the left that runs under Ipswich road holds fish and also the end freney st has fish. Either or

  7. #7

    Re: carp fishing rocklea?

    I only fished off marshal rd was teeming with fish so gave it a try. Went for a walk along creek at freney st and there ate fish there just never had the chance to try it. Lets us know how you go.

  8. #8

    Re: carp fishing rocklea?

    im heading there this arvo to have a crack at marshall rd might even have a look at frenzy st while im at it

  9. #9

    Re: carp fishing rocklea?

    Good luck let us know how you go

  10. #10

    Re: carp fishing rocklea?

    Yeah a few people fish that waterway. Some big fish in there my work is right there on the creek behind bunnings where the crane booms are. If you see a franna poking around give us a wave.

  11. #11

    Re: carp fishing rocklea?

    went there yesterday arvo , after walking through some marsh seen this guy sitting near the concrete tunnels that go under the motorway so i made my way over near there fishing for a bit the guy was asian caught a few carp AND KEPT THEM i asked him what he was going to do he was going to eat them

  12. #12

    Re: carp fishing rocklea?

    Being a noxious pest they're all meant to be kept mate.......

  13. #13

    Re: carp fishing rocklea?

    i thought being a noxious pest disposed of humainly as in left on the bank for a bird to eat

  14. #14

    Re: carp fishing rocklea?

    Quote Originally Posted by nathank92 View Post
    i thought being a noxious pest disposed of humainly as in left on the bank for a bird to eat
    Technically.......but I've witnessed Fisheries officers inspect the catch of guys fishing for Tilapia at Nth Pine Dam and they were only interested in seeing a SIP and making sure the Tilapia were being taken away dead.
    It doesn't bother me either, smart policing I recon..

  15. #15

    Re: carp fishing rocklea?

    Quote Originally Posted by nathank92 View Post
    went there yesterday arvo , after walking through some marsh seen this guy sitting near the concrete tunnels that go under the motorway so i made my way over near there fishing for a bit the guy was asian caught a few carp AND KEPT THEM i asked him what he was going to do he was going to eat them
    I remember when I was a kid we would catch the massive carp like 5kg.. even bigger at times!!
    Though the smaller 1- 2kg carp we threw on the fire and one night we ate them and they are white pinky flesh, quite edible fish.
    Yeah but I would not eat anything from Rocklea, it is an industrial area after all and waterways health has deemed that catchment one of the worst in Brisbane.
    The Asian guy is obviously nuts.

    I have actually eaten Tilapia deep fried (rub in salt first) crunchy and it pretty good Thai chilli dipping sauce , eat with fingers


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