yamaha Model YEAR www.continueouswave.com/whaler/reference/yamahamodelguide
yamaha Model YEAR www.continueouswave.com/whaler/reference/yamahamodelguide
Last edited by MEGA'bite; 22-05-2013 at 05:28 PM. Reason: wrong info
Mine is a 2003 model and has Q stamped on it. That site is not correct.
1980 - S 1990 - D 2000 - T
1981 - R 1991 - C 2001 - S
1982 - Q 1992 - B 2002 - R
1973 - Z 1983 - P 1993 - A 2003 - Q
1974 - Y 1984 - N 1994 - Z 2004 - P
1975 - X 1985 - K 1995 - Y 2005 - N
1976 - W 1986 - J 1996 - X
1977 - V 1987 - H 1997 - W
1978 - U 1988 - G 1998 - V
1979 - T 1989 - F 1999 - U
Malcolm Q- 1982 Q 2003 ????? yamaha started using letters again in 2000 from 1980 onwards, so the site is correct
My 2003 115 2 stroke is a Q. Site says B
[sorry wayno60 B represents 1992. Clarkman google Yamaha outboard model guide] Quote megabite. Site says Q for 1992.
I think you got your site mixed up with the one in my quote.