Now Im a fan of my TLD25/ugly stick combo as I only really troll and bottom bounce for this and that...
Ive caught 1m Barra from land on light gear ($50 Kmart specials) so I have never really had to go into the more expensive quality gear as have never really had the need.
HOWEVER, I want to venture into some different styles of fishing...
We are about 5 weeks or so out from our Swains Trailer Boat Trip and I need a good all round spin combo to which I can easily change from bottom bashing some Reefies to popping for some GT's..
Here is where I am at... Budget is probably around the $700-$1000 overall. And no, I wouldnt mind buying second hand either if anyone knows of suitable combos
- I was thinking a Stella 10000/20000 however I would need some convincing on the price tag VS what I get in the end. $800-$1000
- Saragosa 18000.. $300
- Gladiator Titan 6500 $300... 30KG of DRAG?? Not as good gearing though.
- Okuma Salina 3 High Speed. Great Gearing and 24kg of Drag.
- The old trusty Penn Spinfisher 9500... $200
So far its a toss up between the Okuma & the Saragosa.. Whats your thoughts chiefs? Swaying to the Okuma for the better gearing and better drag capacity... HOW DO THE INTERNALS COMPARE??
- T Curve 400?? People rate the 200 but a little light.
- Daiwa Demon Blood... I saw one of these snap quite easily one day on a fish which a $10 Kmart kids special could have ripped the head off.. However, I have read good things so what weight class would suite?
Im leaning towards the Venom. My main requirement is something that can do a bit of everything!!! I would tend to fish bottom bouncing/jigging with big weights 80% of the time, with 10% trolling and 10% popping. (Maybe more popping at the Swains).
The main question I suppose is,
Okuma Vs Saragosa?? (Really a question of which internals will last the test of time?)
Wilson Venom Vs T Curve? (Everyone Rates the Venoms.. Is the 350g a good all rounder?? Most rate the T Curve 200, but wouldnt spit on the 400..).
One last thing I should mention.... I am ROUGH on the gear.... I know I shouldnt be etc.... and I know the importance of protecting investments etc. etc. However, I would like to factor this into the equation as I know I will drop the rods in the boat, I know it will be kicked, scratched and the tip will hit all sorts of ungodly places... So, which of the options above would you also classify as STURDY and TOLERABLE to a bit of Mis Treatment??
Thanks Fellas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!