randon Sun - ONLINE EDITION Ice destroys several homes along Dauphin Lake
By: Randy Turner
Saturday, May. 11, 2013 at 4:16 PM | Comments: 0
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Ice from Dauphin Lake smashed into this home at Ochre Beach Friday. About 23 homes were destroyed and 27 affected. No injuries were reported.
 oug Davis had just taken a shower and was about to sit down on his couch and relax at his home along Ochre Beach on Friday night.
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Then he heard the ice coming.
"All of a sudden," said Davis’s wife, Elaine, "that was it."
Within the next five minutes, a massive ice floe rose out of Dauphin Lake, about 20 kilometres east of Dauphin, so powerful that it plowed though his two-storey home, pushing furniture from one bedroom into another. It pushed the bathroom tub and vanity into the hallway.
The Davis family wasn’t alone. The ice wave destroyed around 12 homes and cottages and seriously damaged another 15, according to Emergency Measures Organization officials – although no injuries were reported.
The ice shift, which occurred around 6 p.m., was caused by high northwest winds that reached gusts of 60 km per hour. A local state of emergency was declared in the municipality, and residents along the beach were evacuated on Friday night.
Provincial emergency social services were called to the scene Friday night to assist residents in finding temporary lodging. Structural experts from the Office of the Fire Commissioner were also on hand to determine whether some residents could be allowed to attempt clean up or collect belongings.
The entire event, however, was over in just 15 minutes.
"They (homeowners) heard it before they saw it (the ice) coming up their decks," Clayton Watts, the deputy reeve of the RM of Ochre River told the Free Press. "Then it came right in their front windows. It was just a matter of minutes. Fortunately, no one was hurt. We were very lucky."
On Saturday morning, Watts was standing on an adjacent beach, looking over the damage.
"The ice is up taller than the cottages and homes," he said. "It kind of dwarfs them."
"This is nothing you can predict," Watts said. "Water, you can see it coming up. There’s nothing you can do to prevent this. Sometimes, it’s just the luck of the way the wind is blowing. You can just hope for the best, and the best was no one got hurt."
However, Watts said many of the cottagers and homeowners affected by the ice wave were also just recovering from severe flooding in 2011. In fact, a few of the homes were newly constructed.
"That’s what’s so devastating," he said. "These people have rebuilt their homes and got their lives back together. Now they have to start over again."
In fact, the Davises were in the process of seeking out contractors to rebuild the foundation of their home, due to lingering flood damage.
Instead, on Saturday morning, Elaine was surveying an entirely different dilemma.
"We’re looking at a front room filled ice and we’re trying to shovel it out," she said. "There are huge chunks. It breaks my heart to see our house... everybody’s houses. The feeling is indescribable. She’s gone.
"But you salvage what you can. There’s not much a person can do. You just have to take a deep breath and do what you have to do."
 avis was even more concerned about weather reports on Saturday that high winds were being predicted this weekend.
"Mother Nature’s not done with us yet," she said. "You never know."
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Updated on Saturday, May 11, 2013 at 12:42 PM CDT:
Updated, edited.