Was just browsing through the topics and was not expecting what seems to be really good advice....
Nice to see that there are still people out there who will help a guy out.
Was just browsing through the topics and was not expecting what seems to be really good advice....
Nice to see that there are still people out there who will help a guy out.
All one has to do is ask an honest question Steve. There are those that will answer just as honestly.
When i used to fish with bait I used a very simple rig, a small ball sinker running right down to the bait, just enough weight to let it reach near the bottom when drifting back towards the boat......drifting back towards the boat.......that was the big clue for me. I used to anchor back then just down current of the reef and cast well up current of the target zone and take the slack up continually as the bait drifted into the target zone. sometimes hard to detect the take but on average i did better than most people that fished with baits hanging in the currents up current or behind the structure.
These days I would drift through with almost unweighted baits on circle hooks. Rods set in rod holders with the drag set for about 1/3rd breaking strain.
Thanks Jack. I think I will try drifting.
Once again, thanks so much.
I cant wait to go and have a crack armed with all the tips.
Cheers Dave
All packed, rigs done for soft plastics and bait rods rigged . I got a fresh tailor, fresh mullet and poddy's, fresh yakka and hitting the water at 4.30 to try out some of the fantastic advice you guys have given me. I will post my results either way. Cheers Dave
Another thing, if you're drifting at Harry's (probably anywhere in the bay where there's other boats) and hooking up, EXPECT someone to come and anchor on the drift line you've been using. When they do, expect them to make more noise than you thought possible with the anchor. When this happens, be prepared to move. In my experience, the fish almost always shut down. There have been a couple of exceptions where they haven't , but you'll know when they have!
Like Dammed said expect people to do the wrong thing as most likely they arent catching anything....maybe dont make a big deal if your on any fish, know a bloke and you wouldn't know he's caught a fish and your right next to him, open the esky and you wonder where the hell did that come from... carry on, high stick it if you like as your call etc but do that at a popular place like Harries and blowflies will surround you? maybe best to be away from the crowds like the others say and find your own ground.
Tangles KFC
Only been to Harry's once to see what the fuss was about, was drifting around watching, some blokes on a boat start cheering it up big as they're onto something.....nec minute a couple of boats up anchor and move on over as if 50M was gunna make the world of difference, LMAO
Well , after getting on the fishing grounds we still came home empty handed. At least the family doesn't expect me to ever bring a feed home so they weren't too disappointed. I fished a variety of fresh baits but the best was small sea mullet or massive poddys. Got bitten of twice and half the bait eaten the third time leaving the hooks exposed. Had a great drift going with lots of fish and bait schools showing on the sounder until 2 tools came from nowhere and anchored right on our drift. We ended up getting a few small squire on berkley gulps in the 4" minnows. Still very keen to keep going at it. The next plan is the full moon this weekend and with the southerlies we will be sheltering on the north side of Peel. Any more tips available. Could an more bait fisherman give me a better description of their preferred rig. I had my sinker at the bottom of the rig caused my troubles but I don't really know. Any more advise is very welcome. Thanks guys. Cheers Dave .....PS Got a work fishing trip to Townsville and are going out late in the arvo chasing Jack and Barra in the Haughton River. Fingers crossed
IMG-20130601-01305.jpgIMG-20130601-01309.jpg Thanks so much to everyone for all the tips , advice and kind words. I lost my snapper virginity today to a 66 cm on a Bazza jig head and a New Penny Z Mann Curly Tail.. I cant wait to get back out there. Cheers everyone.
Great work MrNanks - Perseverance is the key. Nice fish.
Thanks SummerTrance. I wont stack it next to your photo though.
You're supposed to start smaller than that!
thats awesome mate well done!
dont knock on deaths door... ring the doorbell and run... death hates that!!
I am not a big fan of drifting, but each to their own. What I do and have reasonable success with is;
Fish the late afternoon/early evening. Prefereably mid week. I like the in between tides as there is less water pushing through and able to use smaller sinkers.
Burley with tuna oil coated chook pellets. Or if I have whole mullet I put the frames into a scaling bag and hang it over the side.
Mullet is my preferred bait. Medium size squid is good to, so try to have some of each.
3-6kg rods and 2500 reels. 10-14kg braid. either 20lb black majic leader, or if I am in a snaggy area I go up to 40lb leader. Does not seem to put the fish off, and less chance of losing a fish after hooked.
Rig is small ball at the hook. Very simple. I also use circle hooks as I like the hook removal. They are never swallowed with circles. Specifically a light guage 5/0.
Cast a long way from the boat so that you are away from the noise of the boat.
At night try to keep your lights inc headlight off the water.