View Poll Results: What bait catches more bream from popular bait

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  • Yabbies

    21 21.43%
  • Prawns.

    19 19.39%
  • Worms

    2 2.04%
  • Mullet flesh or other fish flesh

    16 16.33%
  • Mullet gut

    11 11.22%
  • Herring

    3 3.06%
  • Chicken gut

    8 8.16%
  • White bait

    1 1.02%
  • Hardie Heads

    1 1.02%
  • Other

    16 16.33%
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Results 31 to 36 of 36

Thread: Best Bream Bait

  1. #31

    Re: Best Bream Bait

    About 50 years ago , I fished the Noosa river with a guy who worked at an abattoir and he used the spinal cord of cattle, and he caught some good ones.

    My preference is mullet gut onion cut into thin slices and pounded , dipped in tuna oil and then bread crumbs.
    To keep layer of sugar and then salt and place in fridge.
    If drifting yabbies by a mile.

  2. #32

    Re: Best Bream Bait

    Chicken breast or thighs

  3. #33

    Re: Best Bream Bait

    Noone has mentioned dough, I was down the Brisbane river yesterday (St Lucia) just chillin for a time and had no real bait or any great need for a serious fish so I took a few slices of bread and made some dough up with flour.

    Just mucking around with dough on an unweighted hook I pulled in two around 27cm just dropping and lifting it about 1 meter off the bank.

    Didn't keep em or anything was just seeing if it would work.


  4. #34

    Re: Best Bream Bait

    Quote Originally Posted by MudRiverDan View Post
    Noone has mentioned dough, I was down the Brisbane river yesterday (St Lucia) just chillin for a time and had no real bait or any great need for a serious fish so I took a few slices of bread and made some dough up with flour.

    Just mucking around with dough on an unweighted hook I pulled in two around 27cm just dropping and lifting it about 1 meter off the bank.

    Didn't keep em or anything was just seeing if it would work.

    Thats the best way to catch bream off the tangalooma jetty...

  5. #35

    Re: Best Bream Bait

    Liver, cut into strips and threaded on the hook like you would flesh bait. Got the tip off an old bloke 20 years ago. It never misses.

  6. #36

    Re: Best Bream Bait

    I voted prawns as they seem to be the most consistent in catching bream for me - including a couple of 28cm models from the Brissy River yesterday, although my biggest bream (not huge at 32cm) have been on pilchard chunks. I usually get three baits from each pilchard.

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