I've just had a week off, back to work tomorrow.
The weather was ok for the first half of the week and I got out a couple of times, so i thought I'd put up a few pics.
Headed out last Friday for an overnighter out wide. Had a beautiful trip out, but the westerly made the fishing a bit tough. To add to that it blew pretty hard during the night. Apparently a big storm hit the coast that night; we we none the wiser, saw a bit of lightning in the distance and had a solid 15-20 blow from midnight to 4am. The first I knew about the storm was when I got back into phone range and had received a heap of texts asking me if I was alright!
We got a few emperor, a Spanish off the bottom and the usual hussar etc, that I dont bother taking photos of.
Went out for a run early Wednesday morning as well, weather was great! We sat on 30mph the whole way out at 3am. Got to the wide grounds at 5:30 and started fishing. Pulled up two reds, some red throat, tuskies and a trout. The fishing was a bit tough. The fish were on the sounder, the bottom was great, but there was a westerly in it and only the hussar would bite.
After persevering for a few hours we ran back in a bit closer to try a small mouth mark I have. First drift we pulled 3 SM off it! We stayed around for an hour or so and pulled 20 small mouth off it and were back in the harbour by 3pm. We sat on 37-40 mph the whole way home, it was fantastic weather.