Hit Nrth Straddie offshore Anzac day with Tim D. Meet honda900 at the bar near 5:30AM. We then went through the non-bar and went our separate ways.
I hit the sevens first but nothing was on the show. We then went to Middle reef. I pulled up here a 40cm Snapper
and 76cm Spangled Emperor.
Tim D then landed a 50cm Grey Murwong.
We then drifted Boat rock for no luck. Headed to the wave rider but there were divers there that scared the Dollies down deep. On the way back we stopped at a bit of reef I found and Tim jigged up an octopus.
We went back to Boat rock and during a drift we went over a 5m pinnacle that was full of fish. Tim pulled a nice Moses Perch from here.
Then the same bloody dive boat moved to the rock and took over our drifts. They send divers out with bloody floating divers flags. It's really unfair the way these guys were working. We then moved to Middle reef again and had no luck. Came home and did the 30 min wait at the boat ramp to retrieve boat.
Was an awesome day still!