Those fish look dead to me. What a waste. Barramundi cod pair up for life after they lose a mate thats it they dont breed again.
I cant believe you have your faces in those shots................
Terrible report.
Well the main reason to setting up a thread like this was to show the variety of species, being no take or throw in the esky that the great barrier reef has to offer and that a lot of people miss out in enjoying one of the 7 wonders of the world . For the lucky few that live up here take for granted the abundance of marine life that calls the reef, I wanted to show some species like the barra cod and the mighty wrasse mainly because no one hardly even sees them anymore and to show that the species are thriving and that the NO TAKE regulations have been working. The amount of wrasse and barra cod we see when we jump in the water is astonishing and really does give me hope for the future so that my kids can enjoy the reef as much as I do.
Now the one thing I was going to mention when writing this thread as it had some no take species pics is that they all were released straight after a quick photo but then I thought common sense would prevail. Gee , how wrong was I...... I should have remembered that common sense had been thrown out the window and that I would have to explain myself. Hope isnt lost though as quite a few of you understood the heading = Big wrasse, barra cod and more wrasse , BUGGER !!!! yep thats right BUGGER . around 8 or so years ago before the new no take regs come in to place I deffinately would not have been saying bugger but since then Ive gained a new respect for these species and will gladly throw them back to fight another day.
Barra cod and maori wrasse are deffinately NO TAKE species , they have been for about 8 years. But they are deffinately not NO CATCH species and you cant help but take a quick snap shot to show your kids or friends before they are released back into the blue yonder.
Your right there Jeremy, it doesnt look like it was released , if it was it wouldnt be in the photo. If by some chance you mean it was never released due to the fact that the fish has some blood on it then maybe I should tell you why then, it was because we had to cut the line and leave the hook inside as he had swallowed it , beats trying to pull the hook out doesnt it .
Your right there jeep , they have been NO TAKE for a long long time , key words being NO TAKE mate . Surely you read the odd fishing mag, I know I do and surely youve stumbled across a photo of a wrasse or chinaman fish or even a red bass in one of there reports, well I know I have, numerous times actually and I think theres nothing wrong with that at all. Good old catch and release I think they call it.\
" must be immediately and carefully returned to the water ( after a quick photo) " Its a bit harsh to say that the fingers were jammed in the fishes gills, not the best way to hold fish I know, but after carefully returning them into the water and watching them swim away I dont think Im going to lose any sleep over it .
Well if those fish look dead to you mate then maybe you should get some better glasses , those dead looking fish would not have been out of the ocean for more than a minute and I dont think catching and releasing beautiful fish like them is a waste at all.
Good on you webby, great fish. Can't wait to venture up that way myself.
Some people just have nothing better to do than jump down other peoples throats mate.. self-righteous keyboard warriors i think they call em..
cool fish thats for sure.
kudos on posting mate. shame you have to go to such lengths to explain...
fishing's as simple as 3 P's - patience, perserverance and PLASTIC!
I said my piece because I was down at. Ross creek at Yeppoon the other week and there were 4 big barrumundi cod frames just thrown over the bank for everybody to see. So it seems that some people don't know that they are no take or just don't give a stuff. Those same idiots see fish posted on a forum and think its ok to take them.If you're posting no take species then write that they were released so that there is no confusion.
I would have to say that those people would have definately known what type of fish they were and that they just have a lack of respect for the rules , bit of a shame isnt it.
Those Barra cod are awesome eating, as i was lucky enough to catch a few back when i lived in NQ, before they became a no take species but good to hear that they are making a healthy come back.
I agree about those wrasse being back breakers too i tussled with a few of those back in the day also and won some and lost most, haha.
Cheers for the post and pics mate.