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Thread: Yellowfin

  1. #1


    Took a mate out for a late season troll off the sunny coast yesterday
    Beautiful conditions early but no bait or boats as far as the 18 mile.
    Decided to troll up the outside of the banks for just a few macs and frigates
    Found some small yellowfin all in a tight little area a bit further north ,
    Had 2 double hookups and the taxman took his share too.
    Decided to go out to a mark in 120m for a jig and by now the wind had picked up considerably. The spot was covered in small kingies , and a handmade 450g jig on the 400 jig rod proved a good combo with hookups nearly every time!
    Conditions deteriorating further we crawled home over about 2 hours through very confused water.
    Temp outside was up to 25 degrees still .
    Round trip 170 km using 107 litres. the suzy 175 trolled between 2 and 2.5 km to the litre!
    Thanks Adam for a top day out, Sashimi at my place.
    BrendanClick image for larger version. 

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  2. #2
    Well done Brendan did you jig the spot I broke my rod

  3. #3

    Re: Yellowfin

    Oh you mean one of your other rods has also broken there? I was gonna call you about that!

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