Has anyone hooked any nice Tailor down on the Tweed yet
Has anyone hooked any nice Tailor down on the Tweed yet
If they are, they're not saying, come on fellas, spill guts
Thanks Bondy,
I have only got a few choppers at Kingscliff so far but nothing large.
G'day Beachy,
Better than zero hey!
Are you fishing the southern side of Kingscliff i.e. on the otherside of the breakwall where the beach rocks are? Looks very shallow that spot with pounding waves depending on the wind direction and strength.
Hi guys I live at kings cliff .. I try to fish a few times a week - spinning slugs and poppers. A month ago the sea turned a nice blue; and gutters formed and I was catching 3 or 4 a session. Not big fish but good fun. Now the seas are up and zip. This weekend looks good, nice gutters at hastings pt shell and black rock.
Thanks for that. I've travelled to Black Rock (if its the same one I'm thinking off), there are two large rock peaks , one small and one large. I've never caught any tailor. It's the road you take when going to the caravan park at the top, name escapes me at present.
Hastings Point I've heard of but never been there.
What brand of popper and weight is it?
I have slider lures but need good beach gutters, avoiding rocks so I wont get snagged.
Poppers halco 5 inch red and white and the silver one. Metals the halco twisties 45 out fish most other. they match the size, good action and you can cast pretty close to our cuzzie bros across the ditch. Tailor have been hitting more in the afternoon than the morning but that could be more due to the tides. When the tailor are on the mornings normally out fish the afternoons. The dart have been missing this summer but once again its been flooding most weeks since January. Bruce
Attachment 91231Here's one my brother got somewhere around your way about 6 weeks ago from memory.
Thanks for that info, I always fish just before sunset and couple hours into the night, but not so good on fullmoon tides due to strong sweep on the beach.
I've re-spooled the 14ft tailor taker with 5kg line, got rid of the 10kg line as the line was not going out far enough. I'll be testing it soon
Cheers, Bondy
Mr Squiggles..you have not loaded the pic correctly, came back as invalid attachment.
Mr Squiggles,
Good tailor, would have been a good fight no doubt. Would be nice to land a couple that size.
Cheers, bondy
The tailor were busting up bigtime at jumpinpin today...
Thanks for your info , good info for people that have boats. Landbased is very little
thanks Bondy
i normally fish on the nthn side of the bowls club
i will try some of those lures to thanks Bruce
Have you tried yesterday? When you say Northern Side, is that the same side as Coast Guard?