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Thread: Giant Cuttlefish

  1. #1

    Giant Cuttlefish

    Hi All,

    I am new to Ausfish, I love fishing but have a lot to learn.

    Thought I would post up a few pics of my amazing catch on the weekend, I didnt realise these guys could grow so big!

    What: Giant Cuttlefish
    Where: South Head Sydney Harbour
    Weight: 15.5kg (I did weigh it)
    Height: Approx 130/140cm (Rough guide, I am 172cm height and it was basically to my shoulder)
    Bait: Squid, a red rock cod took the bait, then the cuttlefish took the rock cod.... Yes I fluked it lol


    Are these common in the harbour?


  2. #2

    Re: Giant Cuttlefish

    My grandfather fished the harbour, I don't think they are that common, maybe it was hanging around the rocks for a feed and you fluked it like you said.

    All sorts of things turn up in the harbour.
    From what I have just read that is a pretty good size one and are found along that coastline.


  3. #3

    Re: Giant Cuttlefish

    always wanted to try eating one that big, we see a lot of dead ones that size and bigger in winter, thats how we know the snapper are in close

    cheers Murf

  4. #4

    Re: Giant Cuttlefish

    My partners Aunty has it and is cooking up quite a few different dishes, will let you know how it goes hopefully its not like a tough old boot

  5. #5
    Ausfish Platinum Member bennykenny's Avatar
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    Re: Giant Cuttlefish

    i used to get a few of these while squid fishing down the south coast of NSW, remember to either cook it hot and quick, or long and slow like a braise. and if you dont like it, you can always chop it up and freeze it. the best snapper bait by far

    ...of all the liars among mankind, the fisherman is the most trustworthy. ~William Sherwood Fox.

  6. #6

    Re: Giant Cuttlefish

    They do grow very big.
    I caught one while handlining Jews on the offshore reefs a few years back that went 22kg without its bone.
    It completely filled a large fish box.
    One thing with cuttlefish is the bigger they are the more tender they are to eat and one that size should be great eating,especially the candles.
    Just make sure you remove the sinue covering the flesh otherwise it will be like chewing leather.

  7. #7

    Re: Giant Cuttlefish

    Thanks Gents, I was almost going to keep some for bait, damn!

    I normally don't eat seafood rather give it away. But will give this one a taste

  8. #8

    Re: Giant Cuttlefish

    Hi Kennedl

    I cought one much the same size out from Townsville ; it only just fitted in a 20 litre bucket ; "INK EVERYWHERE"

    Soaked it in milk overnight was lovely to eat


  9. #9

    Re: Giant Cuttlefish

    Wow that's awesome nice catch

  10. #10

    Re: Giant Cuttlefish

    Ok I will be the first to say it. Welcome to Ausfish Kennedl.
    Great catch and I bet it will taste great as long as it is prepared right.
    You love fishing but don't eat seafood? Interesting.
    Remember to always log on before heading offshore.

  11. #11

    Re: Giant Cuttlefish

    I hate seafood Haydn...........

  12. #12

    Re: Giant Cuttlefish

    Quote Originally Posted by Muddy Toes View Post
    I hate seafood Haydn...........
    is there anything you like other than boating haha

    cheers Murf

  13. #13

    Re: Giant Cuttlefish

    Most things......but not Macca.

  14. #14

    Re: Giant Cuttlefish

    Quote Originally Posted by Muddy Toes View Post
    I hate seafood Haydn...........
    Feel free to drop off all seafood at my place next time you are here then Muddy.....
    Remember to always log on before heading offshore.

  15. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by murf View Post
    is there anything you like other than boating haha

    cheers Murf

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